Sulara’s Energetic Weather Report & Forecast, New Moon/Partial Solar Eclipse 10/23/14

Here on Maui, as the New Moon and Partial Solar Eclipse approach the night before, the energy becomes soft and velvety, rich and dark, as the sky is free of the light of Grandmother Moon.

A gentle sweetness may be felt by those who sink into the quiet… a fuzzy warmth. Breathing into the beauty of the quiet, where there are clear skies, one notices that the night sky is filled with pinpoints of light, connecting the light within our own hearts with the light of those heavenly bodies and all of creation. It matters not if the skies are clear or cloudy, that connection forever exists.

As the night fades into the morning of the New Moon and eclipse, it is a day to meditate, to pray, and to envision the Golden Age, the New Earth you would like to co-create. Yes, you do have that power and opportunity if you claim it, a gift from the Creator.

This weather station and others report a pervading sense of peace, of well-being. One astrologer describes the energies as those of chocolate… YES… dark, sweet and delicious, melting fears and anxieties if you take the time and allow yourself to sink into and align with the heavenly energies.

May all beings in need of this sweetness and this Love from the heavens, especially those suffering amidst the war, violence and illness upon the planet at this time, receive this gift of beauty in the darkness. May there be peace in each and every heart.


 Remember that the only constant is change, so it is forecast that conditions will change… Do your best to enjoy the ride! J

Stay tuned (that’s spiritually attuned) for the latest updates and further developments in the energetic weather patterns, compliments of your energetic weather station here on beautiful Maui.

 With much Aloha, Sulara