Christmas Day, December 25th, 2016

Yes, Mele Kalikimaka! We greet you on this day of joyous celebration, this day of Love as many celebrate the manifestation of Love into the Earth as exemplified by the life of Jesus the Christ, the man who embodied the Christ Spirit, the spirit of Love. In many places on the Earth and here in the heavens, spirits are gathering to share in Oneness, Love, Joy, Peace, and Compassion together as One Heart.

Today I, Teran, and my spirit family of Love are gathered in these realms celebrating this sacred time and our Oneness with our Brother Jesus as One Heart, the heart of the Creator. May you dwell in the peace within your heart of hearts this day and every day.

As the energies of transformation and awakening are building, we come to comfort you and to encourage you to gather together in community to celebrate Light, to celebrate Love, to celebrate Peace. It matters not what is happening in the world around you which may be reflecting the tumultuous energies present in the Earth and in the hearts of whose who have forgotten their true connection to the Divine, Mother-Father God, All That Is. The violence so prevalent in parts of the world is the reflection of the loss of connection with the true spirit of Love and Oneness.

Our encouragement to you at this sacred time and in the times ahead is to go within your heart of hearts to connect with the Peace and the Love that is the truth of the Father-Mother God’s gift of life to you, and to disconnect from the illusion and the shadows which so many are feeding at this time, this time just before the dawn of new life, the New Earth.

For as we have said, the Great Awakening is just around the corner, so to speak. The energies of the Great Awakening are here now for those who can see through eyes of Love and open their hearts to the gift of Truth, Light, Joy, and Peace which is theirs to accept. The Great Awakening is the answer of the Divine to the call of those reaching out and asking for an end to the violence, the insanity, the heinous actions based upon fear that have culminated in this time upon Mother Earth. Those spirits who have lost the way during their journey, their exploration of co-creation, are manifesting as they so choose based on their disconnection from the one true source of Unconditional Love. That is their right as co-creators with the Creator.

We are here with you today to remind you, to encourage you, that there is Light at the end of the tunnel, there is Light within your hearts as children of God/Goddess. Focus upon this Light, feed and nourish this Light within which is the truth and the connection to the gift of life from the Creator.

While you are affected as part of humankind upon Mother Earth by the polarity, by the illusion, by the darkness, the more you can stand in the Light and the Love and the Truth within your own heart, the more easily you will move through these times safely in relative peace, comfort, and ease. It is, as always, a matter of choice.

And our message this day is a message of joyful anticipation and hope. Your prayers for a New Earth where peace and love abound within the hearts that so choose, will be reflected as you choose to claim the beauty and the Light of God which you truly are, as you choose to join in Oneness with all who choose to see through eyes of Love, hear and speak through the voice of Love, and act in and out of Love. The time is quickly approaching now when there will be a dispensation directly from the heart of God, the spirit of Love, Light, and Peace.

Gather together with those of like mind and heart to support and encourage each other, to remind each other that you are safe, you are protected, you are not forgotten or forsaken. There lies ahead a glorious time of recognition, of awakening, of claiming all the gifts which have been offered and continue to be offered to you directly from the Creator and us, Her helpers in spirit who are gathered together to enfold you in our love and our protection as the energies move you into the new reality of the Great Awakening and into the manifestation of the New Earth. This New Earth is the manifestation, the gift of claiming who you truly are as a daughter or son of God.

You have been given the gift of free will choice and co-creation, and as you are choosing Love over fear, compassion over violence, joy over sorrow, truth over illusion, you yourselves are creating this new reality, this New Earth according to your desires and your requests for a planet based on Love, Freedom, Peace, and Joy. God/Goddess has heard your prayers and is answering your prayers. We, your angels of Light, are gathered to assist in this manifestation and this creation.

Fear not, you are protected, you are held in the heart of the Creator as events transpire in preparation for, and in the culmination of, the creation of the New Earth which you have requested and are creating by opening your hearts to the Love within yourselves as a part of the heart of the Creator.

We, Teran and my comrades, spirits of the Light, are here to assist you through this time. You will hear the call. You will answer the call as you so choose, and the Creator and we will be here with you throughout this time of the Great Awakening.

For now, abide in Peace, Joy, and Hope. Focus all of your energy and your light into nurturing Love in all your actions, thoughts, and deeds. As you may feel pulled by the illusion or the darkness, come back into the Light and the peace within your hearts, which is the truth of who you are. Do not place any energy into the reality of those who are choosing darkness. Nourish only yourself and your spirit family with kindness, compassion, and Love. This will help the New Earth of which you are choosing to be a part, to manifest in the swiftest, smoothest way.

Release your fear into the Violet Flame of Love, the Creator. Celebrate this glorious time with joyful expectation and hope, for that of which we speak is happening now, the creation of a New Earth based on Oneness and Love, the realization that we and all of life are One Heart, connected by the energy of Love, All That Is.

So as you celebrate this Season of Love, hold yourself in the Light, the Truth, and the power of your own ability as a child of God, to create that for which you yearn. We are here, in your hearts, holding your hands, connected by Light and Love as you step into this new reality, empowered by your choices based on Love and your claiming the truth of who you are as children of God and claiming your right of co-creation, your right to spread your wings of Love and live a life of Joy, Peace, Love, Compassion, and Hope.

In joyous celebration of the truth of who we are as children of God/Goddess, our hearts are singing. Allow your heart to sing. Allow joy and laughter to replace all fear and doubt within your heart of hearts.

May you dwell now and forevermore in the peace of the heart of God/Goddess, in the Love which we all are as jewels in the crown of the Creator, as facets in the crystal of Unconditional Love and Light.

Hey Ho See, we are One. Hey Ho Sha, we are Love.

Together as One, we will move into the Great Awakening and the New Earth in hope, faith, and joyful celebration. Thank you for opening your hearts to yourselves, your Creator, and to our message of Love, this Voice of Oneness.