“The grace of God is descending upon the Earth. The grace of God is always present, yet during this holy time, there is a special dispensation for all those who open their hearts and ask, ‘O, let my heart be opened fully to the love that I am. O, let my heart welcome the love and the light which reside within. O, let my heart blossom fully into the flower of truth and beauty and light and love that it already is. O, let me claim all that I am as did Jesus the Christ when He walked upon the Earth as a man. Let me know I am perfect as I am. Let me know that I don’t need to be anyone, anything else. I just need to turn inward and claim that which I already am – the light and the love of God, the Creator.”
-from Keys for Creating Your Life, Volume Four By Teran with Sulara
Blessings to you dear ones. Thank you for reminding us of the truth of
Love within us all.
Thank you for the gifts of wisdom and the dear kinship.