Through my channeled readings, I facilitate your attunement to the Divine, to that love and light which reside within your own heart so that you can realize your highest and greatest potential. Through my gift of clairaudience, I serve as a channel for the love, guidance, and healing energies that are brought to you from your Higher Self and guides and angels to assist you on your highest and best path for fulfillment of, and alignment with, your soul’s purpose.
The messages come in the form of words which I speak exactly as I hear them. The guides and angels lovingly assist you in bringing clarity, understanding, and empowerment into your life.
I rarely have visions, and I never see the “future”. For truly, there is only this present moment and our free will choices which create our reality in each present moment.
Personal readings may be in person or long distance, and the readings you find here on this website are “work” readings – information I receive in response to my request to channel a message that is good for all.
My first book Messages from Mathias is a collection of work readings I channeled with my guide Mathias.
Keys for Creating Your Life is a 4-volume guide for living for Indigos and for everyone who wants to heal themselves and the planet through the power of Love. These books were channeled through me and written by my son Teran who is in spirit form.
Pearls of Wisdom from Spirit is my most recent (channeled) book, a collection of excerpts from both personal and work readings that I have channeled.
I especially love to do, and am honored to do, a reading at birth (or soon after) for a soul just beginning a new journey in the Earth. Both insight into the spirit’s purpose and gifts during this incarnation as well as guidance for the parents are given as the baby is welcomed into the Earth with great celebration, joy, and Love.