Channeled by Sulara
December 14th, 2024
Blessings, Daughter of the Light. We are delighted to be called upon this day to bring forth our Love, joy, and wisdom into Mother Earth to all who shall read or hear these words. We bring them directly from our hearts to yours, for we are all gathered together in the Spirit of Love, as One Heart, the heart of the Creator, which is Infinite Love.
We continue to serve, as do you dear Sister, here upon Mother Earth at this magnificent time of change upon the planet, the Great Awakening. It is a time like no other on the planet, when many are waking up to the truth of their divinity and their power as children of Goddess, given the right of free will, co-creativity, and the power of choice.
There are no victims. Each and every spark of the Creator has the opportunity to co-create their life in alignment with their heart’s desire. Many are now waking up to this truth, to the opportunity to stand in the power of their Light and take responsibility for manifesting their heart’s desires and the life they choose through the divine gifts of free will choice and co-creation.
We, the dolphins, are delighted to serve Mother Earth and all of life upon her through our service to the Creator and to the planet as so much is changing and so many hearts are opening to the truth of their divinity as children of God, here to discover the Love, the Joy, and the Light that they are. We are here to assist in maintaining the electromagnetic grid of Mother Earth, along with the whales. We work in tandem with them to help maintain the balance of the electromagnetic grid. We are also here to bless the children of the Earth through our Love and our example of joy and freedom.
We thank you, dear Sister, for your efforts and all those who work to free us from harm and captivity upon Mother Earth, and for your efforts to assist humanity in becoming aware of the Oneness of all life, that all of life in all forms is One Family of Love, part of the Flame of Love of All That Is. All of life is interconnected, created by the Love of Mother-Father God. As one truly realizes the Oneness of all life, they can no longer take action to harm Mother Earth, a part of themselves and the Creator. All of life is precious, to be respected, protected, and loved as a part of all creation manifested as a part of the Love that is the Source of all life.
We, the dolphins, are here to touch your hearts with this Love, this Joy, the blessing of the Light which shines within all that may have been forgotten. We are here to touch your hearts and to serve as a reminder of the Love and the Joy that you are. We are here to remind you to claim and to manifest the Love that you are as a spark of the Creator, the Flame of Love.
Honoring self and the Love that you are fans this Flame of Love. Gratitude, joy, kindness, and compassion for all of life are the keys to blessing yourself and all others as you remember who you truly are as children of Goddess. Going into your heart and claiming the Love that you are and choosing Love in each and every action, word, and deed will create the New World for which you yearn. Be the Love that you already are as a child of God. That Love is not outside of self, but within your own heart as a part of the One Heart of Mother-Father God.
Remember to laugh, to share the Joy that is already yours within your heart of hearts. Laughter is the medicine of the soul to be taken each day to lighten and brighten each day, one of the keys to fanning the Flame of Love, Hope, and Happiness that you already are. The more you love yourself, the more Love you have to share with others and to create the New World, a New Earth based on the foundation of Unconditional Love. You are a co-creator of this New World. You have the power to manifest the world which you imagine – one of Love, Joy, Hope, and respect for the Oneness of all of life – and to radiate the Light within your heart into all of creation.
The Creator asks nothing but that you claim your divine heritage and the Love, the Light, the Joy, and the Beauty that you already are. What you are looking for is within your own heart of hearts, to be claimed and lived as you choose the Love that you are as a child of God. We love you and are here to help remind you to love yourself and share that Love with all of life, creating the life and the world that you imagine in your most beautiful dreams.
We send you Love, Light, Laughter, and Joy.
Hey Ho See, we are One.
Hey Ho Sha, we are Love.
We are here to remind you that you are Love – now, always and forevermore.