November 4th, 2021

Blessings be, Mother. Thank you for your kind offer to once again serve as my voice. As you so well know, my purpose in coming into the Earth briefly more than 27 years ago now, was to connect in the physical with Mother Earth and you and my beloved father in the Earth, to prepare the way for me to serve as an Ambassador of Love between these realms and all of you there upon Mother Earth.

It is my honor to serve in this way, together with you as my voice to bring clarity, Love, Light, truth, hope and joy to you and all who are open to these messages from me, Teran, and my band of angels. Yes, it has been about 5 years now that we have collaborated in this work (“The Voice of Oneness”) and in the preparation for those souls who are here with you at this time to claim the blessings and the gifts of the Great Awakening and to co-create a New World, one in which Love, hope, joy, peace and compassion abound.

The New Earth will leave behind, will have no place for fear, violence, anger, greed, illusion and all manner of heinous acts that are not in alignment with the Creator’s Love and Light. So thank you once again, Mother, for this opportunity that you have made possible for me as I serve Mother Earth and all of life upon her in this way. It is an honor and a great joy for me and my beloved band of angels to serve the Creator in this way, as His ambassadors of Love and Light.

While the darkness, chaos and illusion continue there upon Mother Earth, there have been changes and shifts in the energy and consciousness upon your planet as more and more are awakening to the truth of their divinity, divine heritage and blessings of Love, free will and co-creation as children of Goddess. Those who are at the forefront of this co-creation and the changes needed to create new foundations for a New World are awakening to the truth of their purpose, the part that they play in the co-creation of the new foundations and the new institutions needed to make The Way possible. For the old ways of being, the old foundations and institutions are crumbling to make way for the new.

There is recognition and collaboration between those who have entered during this time upon Mother Earth to be the builders, the architects, so to speak, of what is needed to ensure that the transition from the old to the new ways of being on all levels occur in the very highest and best way. There are many old friends renewing their friendships from other times and places, other realities, who are feeling those connections that have been agreed to as they come together to help design and facilitate the manifestation of the New Earth.

Many are recognizing each other, these connections and shared purposes, with their hearts. It is a homecoming of sorts, with great purpose, joy and celebration at the level of the spirit as well as consciously for many. And there is great celebration in these realms as the New World is being co-created not only by you humans there, but together with us, your divine Spirit Family of Love here on these levels as we have dedicated ourselves to serve together with you all during this significant time of the Great Awakening and the co-creation of a New Earth, one in which life upon Mother Earth will be what is meant to be, one of cooperation and collaboration celebrating the Oneness of all of life.

We are honored to be a part of this heavenly team, working directly with Mother-Father God and Her band of guardian spirits, angels and the Elders as guides and coordinators of this magnificent co-creation. Mother-Father God Herself is at the helm of this co-creation, working together with all, those of you there on the Earth and those here in these realms, to guide and bless with Grace this time of the manifestation of a reality in which Love, Light, joy and peace rule.

Those who are not taking part in the co-creation are blessed as well as they make their free will choices as children of God, free to make their choices and create and journey to wherever their hearts lead them on their own unique paths of co-creation. For each soul, each spirit, is the master of their own creation, free to create their own lives, their own works of art, the fabric of their lives, which are theirs and theirs alone to choose and create during this wonderful journey of life – the life given to each and every spark as a creation of the Love that is the Creator.

So, take heart. Literally place the Love within your own heart at the forefront of your choices as you create and manifest that which you long for. You cannot go wrong, for every free will choice is a blessing that leads to wisdom upon your own unique Path of Light. All roads lead back to the heart of the Creator, the One Heart of which you are part. There are no mistakes, just different pathways leading back to claiming the Love that you are as a part of All That Is.

So go in peace, with Love and compassion for yourself and your choices and for each one that you meet along the way. Join together with those that you love and recognize as Soul Brothers and Sisters. Bless yourself and all of those with whom you are journeying in this time of co-creating the New World.

Be grateful, be joyful, be at peace. Know that you are blessed and loved beyond your greatest imagining.

Hey Ho See, we are One.
Hey Ho Sha, we are Love.
Until we meet again, I am Teran, your brother in Love and Light.