Entries by sulara

Sulara, Author, Clairaudient and Channel for Healing

I am so grateful for the service Iʻve been guided to do and even more inspired when I receive notes from people such as this! “Sulara’s insight and guidance has been such a blessing for our family. We received a newborn reading for our son and it is simply amazing. I love how her reading […]


The Oneness Prayer is one of the many prayers offered by Lama Sing, who is channeled by Al Miner,http://www.lamasing.org. It is a personal daily prayer of mine and good for those who wish to serve and achieve a greater connection with the Creator. For more about Sulara, go to ShiningHand.com.

Sularaʻs Mini-Meditation For Balance and Ease

Here is a Mini-Meditation for Balance and Ease that was passed on to me by Joan Halifax, who learned it from her teacher, Thich Nhat Hanh. It is yours for a quick, gentle refresh for any time of day or night, at your desk, at home or work.

Sulara’s New Year 2015 Message of the Moment with Spirit

 The Year of EnLIGHTenment  Blessings. And the New Year has arrived. And with it greater hope, greater wisdom, greater joy. For as the forces of light and of dark (or lack of light) have progressively become more and more distinct and separate, many have been asked to choose and have chosen which path they wish […]


“The grace of God is descending upon the Earth. The grace of God is always present, yet during this holy time, there is a special dispensation for all those who open their hearts and ask, ‘O, let my heart be opened fully to the love that I am. O, let my heart welcome the love […]

Inner Child Meditation 12/17/14

My husband Genesis is a very gifted shamanic healer. When I wasn’t feeling well and asked him for a journey recently, he brought the following meditation through from Spirit for me. I want to share it because I find it to be very powerful and healing. Inner Child Meditation is now posted as an audio […]

Pearls of Wisdom from Spirit…All of Life

All of Life Look around you and see that each and every person is part of the heart of God, just as you are. Know that each star, each blade of grass, each insect, each speck of life is filled with the energy of Creation. Honor and respect all of life. – from “Pearls of […]

Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Blessings

Greetings to the Natural World The People Today we have gathered and we see that the cycles of life continue. We have been given the duty to live in balance and harmony with each other and all living things. So now, we bring our minds together as one as we give greetings and thanks to […]


  3:30 a.m. – moonlight filling my bedroom…   I take a moonbath, splashing in the moonbeams Praying in the moonbeams Laughing in the moonlight My spirit dancing on the moonbeams… I am breathing in the moonlight.   I awaken, sunlight filling my bedroom Grandmother Ocean calling me…   Now I am splashing in the […]