December 25th, 2020

Blessings, beloved daughter Sulara. Thank you for calling upon us to bring a message of Love and Hope on this sacred day, this day of celebration of the birth of our beloved Brother Jesus, the man who came into the Earth to embody the Unconditional Love of the Creator, to serve as an example of the Love that you are as a creation of Mother-Father God.

Jesus is one of many Ascended Masters who have blessed your Mother Earth as examples of embodying the Spirit of Love as they walked upon the Earth, bringing the truth of your divinity into the planet for all to experience as they so choose. This Spirit lives on in your heart, as the Flame of Love is a gift from the Divine, All That Is, as a son or daughter of the Creator.

These energies that have been brought forth particularly during this month are ushering in the Grace of the Creator, the Love of the Elders and the Ascended Masters, and the Love of the angelic host in service to God at this magnificent time of Awakening, awakening to the truth of your own divinity as a child of Goddess.

For the time has arrived for the claiming of your divinity as a co-creator with the Creator. The time has arrived for the blessing of your acceptance of the Love, the Light, the Joy, the Peace, Compassion and Grace which are now offered to all those willing to open their hearts to the truth of the Love that they are as children of God. This truly is a time unparalleled in the history of your planet Mother Earth. There are legions and legions of angels on High celebrating this time in your reality upon the planet.

And on this day, this holy day of celebration of the birth of Jesus the Christ, untold gifts and blessings are bestowed upon you, upon all who so choose to open to the truth of the Love, the Flame of Love, that you bear within your own heart of hearts. The gifts and blessings that you receive are only limited by your willingness to open and to receive them.

The more you can open your heart to love yourself without judgment, the more will your spirit be free to spread its wings and fly into the possibilities of your divinity and into your co-creativity with All That Is.

We, Mother Mary, Sister Mary, and the Maidens who walked upon the Earth with our Brother Jesus, along with the Divine Feminine of all of creation bring you this message this sacred day of celebration of the birth of the man known as Jesus, the man who embodied fully the Christ Spirit as He accepted the truth of His divinity and His Love as a part of the heart of the Creator.

You have this opportunity now and whenever you may be open to accepting these blessings, this Grace, and this opportunity brought to you from so many sources of Unconditional Love and Light. Open your heart now to choose the Awakening of your spirit to who you truly are as a creation of Mother-Father’s Love. There is nothing to be afraid of, to hold you back if you so choose to claim this gift of Grace.

Join together with your brothers and sisters of the Light there upon your beloved Mother Earth and in all realms. We come to bless you, we come to honor you as the co-creators and children of Goddess that you are. You have chosen to come into the Earth at this time, as the spirits of Love that you are in physical form to experience this opportunity and the co-creation f the New World. You yourselves have chosen this time of opportunity along with the Grace of God to fully embody the Love that you are, as did our Brother Jesus those thousands of years ago.

You have held the Promise that He brought forth then in your heart, awaiting this very opportunity and blessings and convergence of Grace and gifts from Goddess Herself and her many legions of the Light. Fill your heart, mind, body and spirit with the Joy of this time, with the Hope, with Peace, with the Love, with the glory of Grace and gifts from on High. Allow yourself the freedom to fully claim the Love that you are and the opportunity of this magnificent time upon Mother Earth.

We here, along with our beloved Brother, bring you our support and Love and congratulations on opening your hearts to the truth and acceptance of the gifts that are being offered. We honor you, we bless you, we enfold you in our arms and in our hearts, as a part of the One Heart, the heart of the Creator.

Move forward in the knowledge that this is a gift that you have helped to co-create in your desire to live as you know life upon the Earth should be lived – in Oneness, in Peace, in Love, and with all the blessings that are available as a child of Mother-Father God. Move forward, led always by the Love and the truth within your own heart of hearts. Move forward upon the wings of the Creator, in acceptance of all that you are as you open your heart to yourself and your brothers and sisters, all of life upon Mother Earth in Oneness and in celebration.

We are all with you today and every day as we join together to celebrate the blessings and Grace that are offered now and always to you who so choose to open your hearts to your own divinity as a part of the heart of the Creator.

Remember to laugh as you dance this dance of life at this spectacular time upon Mother Earth. Remember to love yourself and all others without judgment and without condition, and without boundaries as you spread your wings and fly into your own heart of hearts and into the heart of the Creator, always guided, loved, blessed by the Grace of God and your own choice for Unconditional Love.

We shine our Love and Light upon you; the stars and all of life in the heavens shower you with their Light and their Love, and together we claim the Love, the Joy, and the Peace that we are as creations of All That Is.

Hey Ho See, we are One.
Hey Ho Sha, we are Love.

We hold you always in our hearts, now and forevermore. Now walk in Peace as you claim your divinity and gifts of free will and co-creation. You ARE Love. You are loved unconditionally. You ARE the Love and the Light of the Creator. You are the brilliant jewels upon the Crown of the Creator.

And so be it, beloved Brothers and Sisters of the Light.