June 12th, 2020

Blessings, Dear One. We appreciate your willingness to once again serve as our voice and bring our blessings, our Love, and our message into Mother Earth at this time.

As you have noticed, events are accelerating, those events which are meant to awaken those who would so choose to awaken to the blessings and the gifts of the Great Awakening. It is an exciting time as well as a challenging time, especially for those sensitive ones who are impacted by the powerful energies and emotions of the events which are assisting in opening hearts, eyes, and minds to the many changes needed in order to create a New World based upon Love, Truth, Peace, and Joy.

Many are experiencing intensified physical symptoms as Mother Earth prepares to shake the foundations of life upon Mother Earth during these times, in preparation for much needed changes and restructuring upon the planet. All of the events are shaking up the old ways of being based on illusion and fear that no longer have a place in the New Earth that is being created by those who are willing to stand in the power of their light, stand up for what is true, and join together in the Oneness of Love and the Oneness of all of life.

These challenging and yet exciting events and times are in divine alignment with what is needed to change the old structures and foundations that no longer support lives lived in attunement with Love and with the One Heart of the Creator. Many have chosen to dedicate themselves to creating a New World, a new foundation for life which is based on kindness, compassion, equality, and freedom of spirit.

Those who are satisfied to continue in the old paradigm based on fear, greed, and violence are honored for their choices, but will not be a part of the New Earth where Love rules, where the heart rather than the mind leads the way into the reality and the grace of a planet where differences are honored, where Love is the guiding Light, and where Hope, Joy, Peace, Kindness, and Compassion abound.

We the dolphins, the guardian spirits of Mother Earth, the angels of Love and Light dedicated to leading the Creator’s children who so choose onto the path of Light and into the New Earth, are present with you, supporting and guiding you every step of the way.

While it is a time of discomfort for most, physically and/or emotionally, know that everything that is occurring is leading God’s children who choose the path of Love and honor into the truth within their hearts and the One Heart as they are being prepared on all levels to step into their power as co-creators with Mother-Father God, taking responsibility for creating the New Earth which they are creating and bringing into manifestation.

Stay the course, following what you know to be in alignment with your heart of hearts and in alignment with the Oneness of all of life, and these challenges will be met with the understanding that the birth process is proceeding in divine alignment and will lead to blessings and Grace beyond your greatest imaginings. Trust. Trust that you know that you know, and that you are always being guided by Love if that is your choice and your intention.

We are here with you, both upon Mother Earth, and together in spirit with the spirits in all realms whose honor it is to lead you upon the path of the Great Awakening and the path of Light, which lead into the heart of the Creator and a New Earth where Love and Oneness are the foundation. Connect daily with your heart and your dreams of what you want to create and manifest. Begin each day in gratitude, and let that gratitude paint your day with the colors of Unconditional Love, Light, Hope, Peace, and Joy. You are the creator, you are the artist with an unlimited palette with which to create the life for which you long.

We, the spirit of the dolphin, ask you to join with us in joyful expectation and anticipation of the unimaginable blessings that lie ahead as a result of your choice for Love. And remember that no matter what is happening in the world about you, you can tap into the joy which lies within your own heart as a part of the Creator. Breathe in the Love. Breathe in the Light. Let laughter fill your heart with hope. For a new day is dawning. A New Earth is being created as you join together in Love and Oneness with your brothers and sisters who hold the truth of your divinity and co-creativity and Oneness within your hearts.

Know that everything is changing, and that as you flow with the events and changes, you are held in the heart of the Creator. Stay true to yourself and stand in your power, in the power of Love. This is the time you have been waiting for. And as this time of transition proceeds, you are giving birth to the New World which you yourselves are creating.

We, the dolphins, are sending you our Love, our Light, and our Joy. We are holding you in the Light, we are holding you in our Love and in our hearts as we help lead Mother Earth and all of life that so chooses into the New World, where Love and Oneness abound and are the foundation for all actions, thoughts, and deeds.

So, know that the difficulties, the pains, the discomfort, the challenges of transition will fall away as the New Earth and the new you step forth into the Light and the Love, into the birth of the New World. Hold peace, trust, and faith in your hearts, knowing that the Great Awakening is leading to a time of blessings and Grace that is beyond anything you can imagine. We, the spirit of the dolphin, are connecting with you through Love, the One Love, the One Heart of the Creator.

Hey Ho See, we are One.
Hey Ho Sha, we are Love.
Let Hope, Love, and Light fill your entire being each and every day as you make this journey together with your brothers and sisters and with us at your side, knowing that you are in the heart and the hands of the Creator now and forevermore.