October 25th, 2020

Blessings, Dear One. We are pleased to bring our message of Love and Light once more through you, a divine and clear channel.

As events continue to progress, to speed up in preparation for the Great Awakening, we are honored and pleased to bring our message to assist in the understanding of the present events and to assist humankind in preparation for these times, the magnificent times of opportunity just ahead. For while many are experiencing many challenges, it is a time of opportunity like no other time upon Mother Earth.

We come today to encourage you to live in the moment in joy and in gratitude and in Love, no matter what the circumstances of the outer world. Stay your course, stay the course of aligning yourself with the Love, Joy, Hope, and Peace of the Creator. There is more to come which can be challenging if you are not prepared by going within, into your heart of hearts, to find that place of peace and stability, no matter what events unfold around you.

You have an anchor in the heart of God. For you are a part of the One Heart. And you are safe through each and every storm that may lie ahead as Mother Earth and those who so choose prepare for a new birth, the birth of the New World for which you have been preparing as you have been participating in the co-creation of the New World, made possible through choosing from the heart and for the good of all. For all of life is One, created by the Love of Mother-Father God.

Those who have lost their way and have strayed from the path of Love and their divine heritage of free will and co-creation and taking responsibility for creating the world around you will not be ascending with Mother Earth as co-creators of the New Earth. They have the freedom to choose to continue to align themselves with illusion, with fear, with violence and competition if they so wish.

You, my beloveds, have remembered your divine heritage granted by the Creator of all, your divine heritage of Love. You who are reading or hearing this have opened your hearts to the truth of who you are as children of Goddess. You have found the courage to align yourselves with the Path of Light. You have found within yourselves the courage to acknowledge and claim the truth of who you are as a part of the heart of the Creator.

Know that all paths lead eventually back to the heart of the Goddess. There may be many detours as you, the children of God, explore the gifts of your divine heritage, the gifts of free will choice and co-creation. Yet you have chosen well along the way and aligned yourself with Love, forgiving yourself for any choices that were not in alignment with Love along the way. For life in the Earth is a grand adventure, a classroom which allows your spirit to grow, expand, and choose to remember the truth of your Oneness with the Creator, with Love, and with all of life.

All of life is created through the energy of Love, and no matter how many detours you take, or how many times you stray from your Path of Light and Love, you always have the opportunity to come back into alignment with that Path of Love and in alignment with the truth of your divinity and the truth that you ARE Love.

The events that have been challenging to so many upon the planet have been a blessing, though most would not agree. But they have given humanity the opportunity to see, hear, and know the truth that while the physical is temporary and falls away, Love always remains. Love never dies. The realization has been difficult for many as events have unfolded that have forced many to go into their heart of hearts to see the truth that Love, Unity, and Oneness are the foundation upon which life, everlasting life and joy and happiness and peace are truly built.

Many, in spite of the events that are providing an opportunity to look deep within their hearts and choose Love, remain in fear, unable to look into their hearts and claim the truth of their divinity and the Love that they are as children of God. There is no judgment, no punishment. All have the right of free will choice and are precious and loved beyond measure by the Creator. So, hold your brothers and sisters in your prayers for the highest and best for them and their choices, knowing that all is in divine order and all are blessed by the Grace of God, no matter what their choices.
We, the Spirit of the Dolphin, come to tell you to prepare yourselves for the blessings that lie ahead by living in the moment, in the spirit of joy and trust, that all that is occurring is in divine alignment. Do your very best, no matter what is going on around you, to continue to choose Love in each and every moment and to live knowing and honoring all of life as One. Come together in community and collaboration with those of like mind and like intent of co-creating a New World based upon Love, Compassion, Hope, and Joy.

There is a light at the end of the tunnel. Just as in birth as the transition is made through the darkness of the womb, which may be an uncomfortable journey, the Love and blessings that await you in this Great Awakening and into the birth of the New Earth are well worth the journey and whatever discomfort you may experience along the way.

We, the Spirit of the Dolphin, are here with you to help ease the way into the new reality that you yourselves are creating. We bring you joy. We bring you Love. We bring you playfulness. Feel our spirit around you and within you as we bless you upon this journey into the Light and into the birth of the Great Awakening and the New World for which you have worked so diligently.

Love yourself, honor yourself, honor Mother Earth and all of life. Join together in Love, celebrating the Love that you are and the Oneness of all of life. Begin each and every day in gratitude, opening your heart to the Love and the Grace that are always offered.

We are here with you in the name of Love. Celebrate the many gifts and blessings that lie ahead as a result of your choice for Love. Go within to that place of Peace that you may always return to during the storms that lie ahead, a safe haven in the heart of God, of which you are a part as a part of the One Heart.

We bless you, we support you, we hold you in our heart during this magnificent journey into the Light and into the Love of the New Earth.

Hey Ho See, we are One.
Hey Ho Sha, we are Love.
And so be it.