Entries by sulara

Sulara’s Energetic Weather Report & Forecast 10/8/2014

The Energetic Weather Report for October 2014’s Full Blood Moon and Lunar Eclipse: Wowie, Zowie! I’m glad that’s over! This energetic weather reporter forgot to expect the unexpected… This month’s moon wakes her up, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed early (2:45 am) on Tuesday morning. Unable to go back to sleep, even with the help of her […]

Sulara’s Energetic Weather Report & Forecast 9/24/2014

For the Intergalactic Energetic Weather Headquarters, here is your latest Energetic Weather Report from the station here on Maui: A special Aloha to all of you out there who may sometimes feel like an energetic yo-yo! On the day that Mother Earth ushered in and celebrated Fall Equinox 2014, this reporter experienced a heightened energy, […]

Sulara’s Energetic Weather Report – Solar Flare Update 9/13/14

As the day moves into evening, I become lighter and lighter… so energized that I am here on the Earth, yet at the same time hurtling through space… I feel like a rocket ship perfectly on course! Unable to feel my body… no aches, no pains. Simply this vibration, this energy. I AM the solar […]

Sulara’s Energetic Weather Report 9/12/2014

Solar Flare Alert! Well, for all you folks out there sensitive to energies like this reporter here on Maui, today may feel like the other edge of that double-edged sword! Waking up this morning, aching and feeling like I may have been run over by a truck in my dream time, I check in with […]

Sulara’s Energetic Weather Report & Forecast 9/7/14

Grandmother Moon is working her magic! With the Full Moon happening tomorrow, this reporter woke up feeling “s” waves this morning… energies of softness, sweetness, and serenity. While powerful for her, these waves may be subtle for some. And others may not even notice them, as an approaching full moon is generally known to bring […]

Sulara’s Energetic Weather Report & Forecast Update 8/30/14

Update:  By late last night and early this morning, the storms had moved out of most regions, with conditions of calm, a greater state of balance and ease on all levels, and improved sleep reported by most… Advisory:  To prepare for the next wave of electromagnetic disturbances, the Intergalactic Weather Headquarters advises staying in your […]

Sulara’s Energetic Weather Report & Forecast 8/29/14

Sensitive to energies? Then you might enjoy and even be able to relate to this  Energetic Weather Report:  Intense energies have been coming into the region for the last several days… Resulting in sleepless nights for some, with many sporadic awakenings for others… In spite of lost sleep, many are feeling over energized, along with […]