Greetings from Maui, where the trade winds are finally back! Hold onto your hats as these winds of change, along with the energies of the New Moon and upcoming Full Moon, eclipses, meteors and Fall Equinox have been and will be providing a wild roller coaster ride for those of you energetically sensitive ones.
And for those of you all over the globe who are not so sensitive internally in the physical, Mother Earth has been keeping you plenty busy dealing with fires and smoke, floods & droughts and heat waves, tropical storms, etc. in addition to the trauma, drama, and violence that have become so prevalent during these tumultuous times! Yep, it’s been quite the stormy month or so, inside and out. And more to come!
Some of you (as has this reporter) may have also been experiencing energetic shifts accompanied by weird transient physical symptoms such as hot flashes & sweats, headaches and nausea, discomfort and burning in the solar plexus, shifting and aching in the cranial bones and TMJ, dryness in the eyes, throat and sinuses, and vibrating & tingling in the body in general. WHEW!
The strangest for this reporter has been the intense burning sensations in the skin of my entire body and then at times just in the skin of my face. Yes, these shifts where we are purifying and cleansing and releasing toxins can at times make us wonder if we should drop into the E.R. or a mental health counselor!
So if you can relate to any of the above, don’t worry… you’re not alone! And if you’re not experiencing any of the above, know that one day you may. Or you may not! We all experience these shifts in our own unique ways. Trust that all is unfolding just as it needs to, inside and out. SHIFT HAPPENS!
As uncomfortable as it all may be, we’ve all agreed to be here at this time of the Great Awakening. Trust in the process and know that we and our Earth Mother are aligning to a new energy, a new consciousness. Surrender and hold Hope, Joy, Peace, and Gratitude in your hearts and minds throughout the challenges and the triumphs as well.
Remember that the only constant is change, so it is forecast that conditions will change… Do your best to enjoy the ride! ☺
Stay tuned (that’s spiritually attuned) for the latest updates and further developments in the energetic weather patterns, compliments of your energetic weather station here on beautiful Maui.
With much Aloha, Sulara