The Oneness Prayer is one of the many prayers offered by Lama Sing, who is channeled by Al Miner, It is a personal daily prayer of mine and good for those who wish to serve and achieve a greater connection with the Creator. For more about Sulara, go to

Introduction to Pearls of Wisdom from Spirit by Sulara

All of us receive messages from Spirit throughout all our lives. The more one is open to this possibility of guidance and ask for help, the more our helpers in Spirit will communicate and assist us. Here is the introduction to Pearls of Wisdom from Spirit, shared messages Iʻve received over the years that have inspired and guided my way, and those for whom I have had the honor of channeling. I share these Words of Wisdom from Spirit in hopes they might be helpful to you on your path.

Sularaʻs Mini-Meditation For Balance and Ease

Here is a Mini-Meditation for Balance and Ease that was passed on to me by Joan Halifax, who learned it from her teacher, Thich Nhat Hanh. It is yours for a quick, gentle refresh for any time of day or night, at your desk, at home or work.


“The grace of God is descending upon the Earth. The grace of God is always present, yet during this holy time, there is a special dispensation for all those who open their hearts and ask, ‘O, let my heart be opened fully to the love that I am. O, let my heart welcome the love and the light which reside within. O, let my heart blossom fully into the flower of truth and beauty and light and love that it already is. O, let me claim all that I am as did Jesus the Christ when He walked upon the Earth as a man. Let me know I am perfect as I am. Let me know that I don’t need to be anyone, anything else. I just need to turn inward and claim that which I already am – the light and the love of God, the Creator.”

-from Keys for Creating Your Life, Volume Four                By Teran with Sulara


Inner Child Meditation 12/17/14

My husband Genesis is a very gifted shamanic healer. When I wasn’t feeling well and asked him for a journey recently, he brought the following meditation through from Spirit for me. I want to share it because I find it to be very powerful and healing. Inner Child Meditation is now posted as an audio guide on my YouTube Channel For more about Sulara, go to For more about Genesis go to

Pearls of Wisdom from Spirit…All of Life

All of Life
Look around you and see that each and every person is part of the heart of God, just as you are. Know that each star, each blade of grass, each insect, each speck of life is filled with the energy of Creation. Honor and respect all of life.

– from “Pearls of Wisdom from Spirit” by Sulara

Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Blessings

Greetings to the Natural World

The People
Today we have gathered and we see that the cycles of life continue. We have been given the duty to live in balance and harmony with each other and all living things. So now, we bring our minds together as one as we give greetings and thanks to each other as people.
Now our minds are One.

The Earth Mother
We are all thankful to our Mother, the Earth, for she gives us all that we need for life. She supports our feet as we walk about upon her. It gives us joy that she continues to care for us as she has from the beginning of time. To our mother, we send greetings and thanks.
Now our minds are One.

The Waters
We give thanks to all the waters of the world for quenching our thirst and providing us with strength. Water is life. We know its power in many forms ‐ waterfalls and rain, mists and streams, rivers and oceans. With one mind, we send greetings and thanks to the spirit of Water.
Now our minds are One.

The Fish
We turn our minds to all the Fish life in the water. They were instructed to cleanse and purify the water. They also give themselves to us as food. We are grateful that we can still find pure water. So, we turn now to the Fish and send our greetings and thanks.
Now our minds are One.

The Plants
Now we turn toward the vast fields of Plant life. As far as the eye can see, the Plants grow, working many wonders. They sustain many life forms. With our minds gathered together, we give thanks and look forward to seeing Plant life for many generations to come.
Now our minds are One.

The Food Plants
With One mind, we turn to honor and thank all the Food Plants we harvest from the garden. Since the beginning of time, the grains, vegetables, beans and berries have helped the people survive. Many other living things draw strength from them too. We gather all the Plant Foods together as one and send them a greeting of thanks.
Now our minds are One.

The Medicine Herbs
Now we turn to all the Medicine herbs of the world. From the beginning they were instructed to take away sickness. They are always waiting and ready to heal us. We are happy there are still among us those special few who remember how to use these plants for healing. With One mind, we send greetings and thanks to the Medicines and to the keepers of the Medicines.
Now our minds are One.

The Animals
We gather our minds together to send greetings and thanks to all the Animal life in the world. They have many things to teach us as people. We are honored by them when they give up their lives so we may use their bodies as food for our people. We see them near our homes and in the deep forests. We are glad they are still here and we hope that it will always be so.
Now our minds are One.

The Trees
We now turn our thoughts to the Trees. The Earth has many families of Trees who have their own instructions and uses. Some provide us with shelter and shade, others with fruit, beauty and other useful things. Many people of the world use a Tree as a symbol of peace and strength. With One mind, we greet and thank the Tree life.
Now our minds are One.

The Birds
We put our minds together as One and thank all the Birds who move and fly about over our heads. The Creator gave them beautiful songs. Each day they remind us to enjoy and appreciate life. The Eagle was chosen to be their leader. To all the Birds ‐ from the smallest to the largest ‐ we send our joyful greetings and thanks.
Now our minds are One.

The Four Winds
We are all thankful to the powers we know as the Four Winds. We hear their voices in the moving air as they refresh us and purify the air we breathe. They help us to bring the change of seasons. From the four directions they come, bringing us messages and giving us strength. With One mind, we send our greetings and thanks to the Four Winds.
Now our minds are One.

The Thunderers
Now we turn to the west where our grandfathers, the Thunder Beings, live. With lightning and thundering voices, they bring with them the water that renews life. We bring our minds together as one to send greetings and thanks to our Grandfathers, the Thunderers.
Now our minds are One.

The Sun
We now send greetings and thanks to our eldest Brother, the Sun. Each day without fail he travels the sky from east to west, bringing the light of a new day. He is the source of all the fires of life. With One mind, we send greetings and thanks to our Brother, the Sun.
Now our minds are One.

Grandmother Moon
We put our minds together to give thanks to our oldest Grandmother, the Moon, who lights the night‐time sky. She is the leader of woman all over the world, and she governs the movement of the ocean tides. By her changing face we measure time, and it is the Moon who watches over the arrival of children here on Earth. With One mind, we send greetings and thanks to our Grandmother, the Moon.
Now our minds are One.

The Stars
We give thanks to the Stars who are spread across the sky like jewelry. We see them in the night, helping the Moon to light the darkness and bringing dew to the gardens and growing things. When we travel at night, they guide us home. With our minds gathered together as one, we send greetings and thanks to the Stars.
Now our minds are One.

The Enlightened Teachers
We gather our minds to greet and thank the enlightened Teachers who have come to help throughout the ages. When we forget how to live in harmony, they remind us of the way we were instructed to live as people. With One mind, we send greetings and thanks to these caring teachers.
Now our minds are One.

The Creator
Now we turn our thoughts to the Creator, or Great Spirit, and send greetings and thanks for all the gifts of Creation. Everything we need to live a good life is here on this Mother Earth. For all the love that is still around us, we gather our minds together as One and send our choicest words of greetings and thanks to the Creator.
Now our minds are One.

Closing Words
We have now arrived at the place where we end our words. Of all the things we have named, it was not our intention to leave anything out. If something was forgotten, we leave it to each individual to send such greetings and thanks in their own way.
Now our minds are One.




3:30 a.m. – moonlight filling my bedroom…


I take a moonbath, splashing in the moonbeams

Praying in the moonbeams

Laughing in the moonlight

My spirit dancing on the moonbeams…

I am breathing in the moonlight.


I awaken, sunlight filling my bedroom

Grandmother Ocean calling me…


Now I am splashing in the sunbeams

Praying in the sunbeams

Laughing in the sunlight

My spirit dancing on the sunbeams…

Floating on sunbeams, I am breathing in the sunlight.




My husband Genesis is a very gifted shamanic healer. When I wasn’t feeling well and asked him for a journey recently, he brought the following meditation through from Spirit for me. I want to share it because I find it to be very powerful and healing…



Do this meditation every morning and night no matter how you’re feeling, and do it again anytime during the day when you’re feeling upset.

Go to a quiet space and take a few calming breaths. See yourself going to the door of your heart and opening it, finding your little girl (or boy) inside the room.

Observe your little girl… she may be happy, playful, quiet, sad, depressed, afraid, angry etc. Go to her and hug her, assuring her that you love her and are here for her.

As you are hugging her, begin to focus on your breathing, breathing the mana, the Universal Life Force, into this hug into your heart and into your little girl while you are hugging her.

With every out breath, release whatever emotion is not serving you, and breathe in the totally abundant life force from the universe that you need and have complete access to at any time.

Open to that mana and breathe it in, filling your heart with life force with every breath, filling your whole body and then letting it radiate out from you like a radiant, loving star.

Sit in the glory of it, holding your little girl in your heart, knowing the Love of the universe, sitting in that place of Oneness and connection and ready for your life.