By Teran with Sulara

April 25th, 2024

Good morning, our beloved Sulara, my mother in the Earth. We come to you again on this day with our message of Love, Hope, and Peace during these times of turmoil upon the Earth. We are here with you all, watching and waiting, at the ready to assist any and all who are asking for help, asking for and open to guidance to assist in moving through these trying times upon Mother Earth.

Most all would agree that change is needed. Peace is needed. The end of violence, war, destruction, illusion, greed, and so much more that is not of the Light is needed upon your planet. But how is this to be accomplished? What can you and all of Goddess’s children upon the Earth do to bring about the change that is needed and desired?

You have the power. You are not victims. You are co-creators who have chosen to come into the Earth at this tumultuous time upon the Earth. You are the change that you seek. The Power of Love can change the consciousness of God’s children upon Mother Earth.

As more and more open their spiritual eyes and their hearts to the truth of the Love that they are, to the power of their divine heritage of free will choice, opening their hearts to the Creator’s Love which resides within their own hearts, the Great Awakening will be manifested and the change needed for the creation of a New World will be realized.

More and more of the Creator’s children are awakening to the truth of their power as co-creators, acknowledging and taking responsibility for the opportunity to be part of the change that is needed to create heaven upon Earth. For what is reflected upon the planet is what is within the hearts of the Goddess’s children.

Victimhood, fear, confusion, chaos, violence and war can and will be vanquished upon Mother Earth as the Creator’s children claim the Love that they are and live their lives in accordance with the Love with which you are created and your divine heritage of free will choice. You are the co-creators of your own destiny and the destiny of your beloved Mother Earth.

For many, it is a long (as you experience it in the Earth) and arduous journey as the events upon the planet encourage them to turn inward, to their Creator, whose Unconditional Love resides within each heart as the Flame of Love. Each and every choice for Love fans this eternal Flame of Unconditional Love and Light. God’s Grace is present for all upon this journey back home, the Great Awakening, as all are encouraged to go within to the Source of all Love, the Creator.

None are forsaken. None are truly lost upon the journey. Their true natures are just forgotten, to be remembered as they look within their own hearts, acknowledge the truth of their divinity, and claim that Love that they are as children of Mother-Father God.

Claim this Love, this Light, and this Peace that is within that is yours to claim in every moment, according to your free will choice. Focus on Love. Focus on Joy. Focus on Peace, Gratitude, and Compassion, and you will become a radiating Light to your brothers and sisters.

Your example can help lead the way back into the hearts of those you touch. You are a radiating Light of Love, Compassion, Hope, and Peace if you so choose to be. Your example can change lives, can open hearts to the truth of their divinity, to the power that they possess as children of the Creator.

The more your Light shines, the more hearts are opened to the truth of the Love and the Power that they are and that they possess as they choose and claim the Love that they are. Thank you for opening your hearts and serving as Angels of Light upon the Earth at this powerful time upon the Earth, the Great Awakening.

We – Teran and my band of angels – have chosen to help lead the way from the darkness that prevails upon Mother Earth, into the Light of the Creator, into the Love and the Light of the New World, one where each honors themselves, each other, and all of life upon Mother Earth and the Oneness and connection of all of life as part of the heart of the Creator.

As the violence, fear, chaos, and confusion escalate upon Mother Earth, go within to the only true place of safety and peace, into the heart of Goddess, where all answers are to be found. Love is the answer to all questions. Those answers, that Path of Light are to be found within your own hearts, as your divine heritage.

Have compassion for your brothers and sisters who have lost their way, who have forgotten the Love that they are. Through choosing Love, your heart shines and touches all of life upon your precious planet. You and your choices for Love are the answer to peace upon Earth, as those choices create a New World, one that is built upon a foundation of Love rather than fear, violence, and illusion.

Claim the Love that you are and help lead the way with me, Teran, my band of angels, and legions and legions of angels in these realms as well as there with you upon Mother Earth into the New World, which you yourselves are creating as the masters of your destiny and that of the New Earth. You are the artists, the masters and co-creators. You are the answer to a New World where Love and Oneness, Peace and Compassion are created by and with the Grace of Goddess as you claim Her Love within your own hearts.

Do not doubt your power. Stand in the power of your Light while the Old World crumbles around you in order to make way for a New World where the phoenix rises from the ashes, knowing that all is in divine order and that you have the power and the opportunity to create the reality you long for and envision.

Trust. Have faith. Remember that you are never alone. Be grateful for your precious lives and this unparalleled time of the Great Awakening. Awaken to the truth of the Love, Light, Peace, and Power within your own hearts as a part of All That Is, and all the glory that entails and is already yours if you choose to claim it.

Thank you for allowing us to share our perspective and encourage you to claim and to be all that you can be. Thank you for joining us as we lead all those who are willing into their own hearts and into the New Earth.

Hey Ho See, we are One.

Hey Ho Sha, we are Love.

And so be it.



November 26th 2023

By Teran with Sulara

Blessings, my beloved mother, Daughter of the Light, serving the Creator during this time of the Great Awakening. Those events and energies continue to bring those upon your beloved Mother Earth the opportunity of choosing Love and claiming their divine heritage of Unconditional Love & Light and free will choice to assist in co-creating the New World based upon the Oneness of all of life and your divine gifts from the Creator – Love, Joy, Compassion, and Peace.

It is a challenging time for so many upon the Earth. Thank you for your continued prayers for Peace, for Love and blessings and Grace for all those upon Mother Earth and in all realms experiencing difficulties and challenges. These difficulties and challenges bring with them the opportunity for many to open their hearts to Love, to help create the change that is needed to co-create a New World based upon Love, Oneness, and the Peace and Joy that are created through free will choices made through connecting with and claiming your divine heritage of Unconditional Love, Light, and co-creation as children of Goddess.

You wonder, how can all the violence continue? How much pain, suffering, and death must occur before action is taken for change? There will come a point, a tipping point, so to say, when those whose eyes and hearts have been opened to the truth of the Love that they are, and they finally claim their gifts of co-creation to take the action needed to create the New Earth they envision through their gifts of free will choice and co-creation.

Love is the answer… claiming the Love found within their own hearts and making the choice to take the action needed based upon that Love, that Flame of Love found within their own hearts. When there is nowhere else to turn but inward in the midst of the chaos, violence, and destruction found in the outer world, that tipping point is reached. That tipping point then allows the co-creation of a New Earth based upon Love, Light, Truth, Peace, Compassion & Joy.

For the outer world is but a reflection of what is within the hearts of so many. The time of the Great Awakening is here now, the opportunity to bless yourselves with the gifts of the Creator that you have already been given, if your brothers and sisters go within and claim them and take responsibility to make the changes they desire to manifest.

That time of opportunity is here now. It is time to go within, making your choices based on the Love that in truth you are, and joining together with those of like mind to make the changes desired. There is power in numbers. Those of you choosing to claim the Love that you are within your own heart of hearts will create the tipping point as you gather together that will enable the creation and manifestation of the New World that you long for, based on the foundation of Love and Oneness that is and always has been within your own hearts, part of the One Heart of the Creator.

We, Teran and my band of angels, are here with you today to thank you for your bravery, your courage, your strength as you continue to live through these times of chaos and turmoil, going within and making your choices based on the Lovew within your own hearts.

Where should you put your focus in order to help co-create the New World? On the Light and serving as a beacon of Light for your brothers and sisters who are lost in the darkness, the illusion, the fear, the greed, and the violence, those who have lost their connection with the Creator and their divine heritage. They have forgotten that Home is where the heart is. All those lost souls who have lost their way want to come Home. They need your example and your Love to help show them the way Home. So, don’t disconnect from what is going on around you in the world, a reflection of the pain and suffering humans have within and are enduring. But reach out in Love to serve, to help your brothers and sisters remember the Love that they are.

Through your Light, your kindness and your personal compassion, serving as one who is claiming the Light that you are and making choices based on Love, you can help them to remember their divinity and the gifts that are already theirs as children of Mother-Father God.

We commend you for remembering who you truly are and basing your choices and actions on that Love. Thank you for staying the course in spite of the chaos surrounding you, for remembering to go into your hearts to ground yourself into the Love and remember who you truly are.

We know it is not easy. We know it is not easy to trust that all is in divine order and to align yourself with the Love, Light, and Grace that the Creator offers and has gifted to you. Take heart that there is positive change coming for all of you who remain true to your purpose and the Love that you are. There is Light at the end of what seems to be this endless tunnel of darkness. Your Love, your Light, your example, your service, your choices in alignment with All That Is and the Love that you are, are making a difference and are lighting the way for many lost in the darkness and chaos of the planet.

We are here to serve you, to help light the way, to fill your hearts with our Love and assist you on this journey into the Light during this time of the Great Awakening. It is an awakening into the Love and the Light that you already are as a child of God. You are helping to awaken your brothers and sisters to the truth of who they are and that they can make the changes that they long for through going within and claiming their gifts of free will choice and co-creation.

There are legions and legions of angels here at the ready to help you and all who choose Love and through your choices are co-creating together the New Earth. Open your hearts to the Love, the blessings and the Grace that are offered by the Creator to those who open their hearts to accept and claim those gifts and who they truly are as the children of All That Is.

Call upon us, Teran and my band of angels and all the heavenly host in service to Mother-Father God and all those upon Mother Earth willing to open their hearts through their free will choices based on Love. All are loved. All are given the choice to be all that they can be, all that they are and want to create. Claim the Love, the Peace, the Joy that you are.

We are here with you to help lead you from the darkness into the Light as a part of the heart of the Creator.

Hey Ho See, we are One, Hey Ho Sha, we are Love.

May Peace be with you now and forevermore and reflected into your beloved Mother Earth.



September 23rd, 2023

Blessings, my beloved Mother and Daughter of the Light. Yes, as you shed tears for those there on your beloved island of Maui and all over the world who are suffering and experiencing challenge…

We join you and support you during this time when so many are grieving, in pain and suffering the loss of their friends and loved ones. Thank you for offering what you can to support your brothers and sisters. Thank you for sharing your gift, this gift of serving as our voice for many who need support, need words of Love and Hope at this time upon your beloved Mother Earth.

There are legions and legions of angels welcoming those who are returning home into the heart of the Creator and surrounding you of those there experiencing this devastating loss. Yes, many are being challenged in so many ways all over the world at this time. And so many are opening their hearts looking for answers, looking for Hope.

So many are gathering together, answering the call of humanity, opening their hearts to the realizations that this disaster and so many others upon the Earth now are bringing. Life, precious life. The realization that each day, each loved one, each friend is to be treasured in each and every moment.

Many will never again take for granted this precious gift of life. Many eyes are being opened, many hearts cracked open by the events. Many are reaching out for understanding. Many are lost in pain, suffering and anger as they grieve. Yet, many are also opening to the Love of the Creator and their brothers and sisters whom they have taken for granted in past. Many are experiencing gratitude for the blessing of the gift of their precious lives and the Creator when their hearts were closed in past.

It is a time of rising from the ashes, literally, in a new way of being. Gratitude is filling many hearts who had forgotten how precious is this gift of life and Love and Oneness as they went about their daily lives. Those hearts and those lives are changed forever. It is time to begin anew, with new appreciation for all their many gifts and blessings.

This time of the Great Awakening brings with it many gifts and many blessings that for many could not have been claimed without heartache. The heartache brings vulnerability and the desire to gather together with their brothers and sisters as they remember how precious the gift of life and friendship are.

Many are called to serve the Light at this time of darkness, this time before the dawn. After the darkness and the cleansing comes the dawn of new life, new understanding, new gratitude. Many are embracing not only their brothers and sisters and the wonder and beauty of the gift of life, but the beauty of their own hearts, and compassion for themselves as well as for others.

From the ashes and the floods arises a new beginning, the opportunity to create the New World, a new reality based on Love, Oneness, gratitude and true joy based on the realization that Love is the answer… Love for self, love for family and friends, Love for strangers in the realization that we are all Love, all One Heart… Love for Mother Earth and all of life.

We are here to support you, to love you, to surround you with our Love throughout these difficult times when the old ways of being are being destroyed to make way for a better, more joyful life – a New World which will rise from the ashes as the floods and fires help to cleanse, help to carry away those ways of being that no longer serve the heart, serve humanity and all of life upon Mother Earth.

It is a new day, a new dawn, a new beginning, a better way of being in alignment with Unconditional Love and Light through the blessings of the Creator’s Grace. So many are now open to this new beginning, to this Great Awakening that could not be claimed without the cleansing – the cleansing of the illusions, the greed, the fear, the violence, the denial of the Oneness of all of life.

Many eyes and hearts are being opened during this challenging time upon Mother Earth. While anger is part of grief and sadness, gratitude and appreciation for the precious gift of life are also part of the blessings that may be claimed.

Each person experiencing these events that are coming so quickly now upon the Earth has the opportunity to remember the Love that they are as children of God and to claim that Love is their divine heritage as a part of the heart of the Creator.

It is with great compassion and Love that I, Teran, and my band of angels and all those spirits of Light in these realms come close to the Earth to embrace you in our Love, to bless you with our guidance, our presence and hold your hands as you open your hearts to the Grace of the Creator that is surrounding all and blessing all if they so choose to accept it during these times of chaos and challenge and loss.

The spark of life is never lost, whether one remains in the Earth or returns to the side of the Creator. Free will choice is never lost when in the Earth or returning to the heart of the Creator. This is your divine heritage of eternal life.

Through choosing Love, Gratitude, and honoring the Oneness of all of life, you will survive and live to co-create a new and better world, a New World. Each has the opportunity to claim the Love that they are and to live a life of Joy, Hope, Compassion, Love and Light. These are the gifts from the Creator’s heart that you are offered at this time and always, and that are already yours as a child of Mother-Father God.

I, Teran, and my band of angels and so many servants of the Light are here with you now and as you journey and co-create a New World whose foundation is rising from the ashes and your free will to serve as co-creators with All That Is. We love you, we bless you, we support you. We are here to help lead you from the darkness into the Light.

As you acknowledge your loss, your sadness, your grief, and the world’s sadness, grief and pain, remember who you are, a child of Goddess blessed in so many ways. Step into the Light, out of the darkness into the New World, which you yourselves are co-creating as you claim your divine heritage and step forward in faith, courage, peace and hope for the dawning of the Light and the creation of a New World built upon the foundation of Love, Gratitude, Joy and Peace.

Go within to connect with the truth of who you are as a part of the One Heart, the Heart of the Creator. Remember to smile through your pain, your sadness, your grief. It will help light your way and serve as a beacon of Love, Light and Hope for your brothers and sisters… all of life upon your precious Mother Earth.

We and your guardian angels are here with you now and forevermore. We are at your side. Call upon us, feel our Love and you may allow us to comfort and soothe you if you so choose.

LOVE IS AND ALWAYS WILL BE. You are Love. You are loved. You are precious. Life upon the Earth and eternal life are the Creator’s gifts to you.

Hey Ho See, we are One. Hey Ho Sha, we are Love.



June 22nd, 2023

Blessings Mother, Daughter of the Light. I and my band of angels are most pleased to bring this message through you into the Earth.

The intensity of this time of the Great Awakening continues to build, as more and more are realizing that the only peace, only place free from turmoil is within. For they can no longer depend on the outside world and those events to bring any real stability or joy into their hearts.

Yes, the foundations of the Old World, the old way of being, can no longer be depended upon for any true sense of safety, peace, and joy. As the events build and unfold, the Creator’s flock of souls, His children are being brought to the realization that the old ways based on fear, violence, greed, and illusion no long serve. It is the time of the Great Awakening, the time when many are forced by events to go within for a new way of being, a new way of seeing, a new way of relating to themselves and the world and to their brothers and sisters and the chaos and events that are coming in greater and greater intensity.

Yes, through these events, many are realizing that Love, community, and realizing the Oneness of all of life is the answer to Peace and to surviving amidst the destruction of the old foundations. A new way of being, a new perspective is being brought into awareness. Because of the chaos and turbulence during this time in the Earth, many are being forced to go inside to look for the Peace that they seek. Many are discovering that Love is truly the only constant in this chaotic world, this world that is erupting as the old ways of being are not providing the peace and stability they seek from the outer world.

The chaos and turmoil are the reflection of the chaos and turmoil within the hearts that have forgotten the truth of the Love that they are as children of Goddess, created in Love and wonder and joy by the Creator who has gifted each and every soul with the divine gift of free will choice. So many have forgotten that they are co-creators, and in fact, have created the chaos through their lack of connection to the Creator, to the Flame of Love that is their divine heritage as the children of Mother-Father God.

All of these spirits upon the Earth who are suffering have chosen this opportunity at this time upon the Earth to open their eyes, their spiritual eyes and their hearts to the truth of their divine heritage and the Love that they are. Through the events of this time in the Earth, many are now turning within to seek truth and stability within their own hearts, the only true source of Love and Joy as a part of the heart of the Creator. Many, through these challenges and turmoil, are forced to go within to find the Peace and the Love and the Truth that they seek which the outer world has, they are realizing now, never truly provided.

As their homes are blown away or washed away or burned to ashes, they are finding the answers through Love and connection with the Creator and the community and through the blessings of banding together in community, serving and helping each other through these difficult times. They are awakening to the truth that the only real Peace and Love are not to be found in the external, in the material, in greed, and in making decisions based on fear and illusion that the mass mind thought has offered for so long.

Everyone upon the Earth at this time has asked for this opportunity to awaken to the truth within their own hearts that has been forgotten for so long – that Love is the answer, and that Love lies within their own being and their choices based upon Love, their free will choices as co-creators and their divine heritage as children of Goddess.

The Flame of Love within their hearts has been dimmed through the fear, the illusion, and the greed as they have, for so long, forgotten the Love that they are. These events, these challenges, these difficulties are fanning the flame, the Flame of Love, helping them to remember who they truly are as children of God and helping them to remember that they are the creators of their own destiny through their free will choices as co-creators with All That Is.

To experience a world of Love, a New Earth based upon the only true foundation of Love, their choices must be made based on the Love and the Truth within their own hearts, thus reflecting an outer world, a New World where Love abounds.

Love, Gratitude, Hope and free will choices made and based on Love pave the road to the creation of the New World – one where fear, hatred, illusion, greed, violence, and war have no place in the minds and hearts of the Creator’s sons and daughters. Those who choose to continue in the old ways will not be a part of the creation of the New World, where Love, Hope, Joy, compassion, cooperation and kindness abound, where the Oneness of all of life is known and honored and all realize that as children of God, all that they seek lies within their own hearts.

In the New World, Mother Earth and all of life are honored in the spirit and truth of Oneness in the realization that Love is the only answer and that Love lies within as a part of the divine heritage given to each and every person as a part of the heart of the Creator.

So, know that all is in divine order, even as the storms upon the Earth intensify. For as the Old World collapses and is destroyed, the New World rises, like the phoenix, from the ashes. And those who choose Love are given the opportunity of creating and living in a New World based upon the Love that they discover and claim within their own hearts.

As the storms intensify, keep the faith, allowing the Love within your heart to give you the strength and the courage you need to stand and act in the power of your own Light as you co-create the New World for which you long. You ARE the Peace, the Love, the Joy, the Light which you seek. Claim your power as a daughter or son of the Creator, claim your divine heritage as a co-creator given the gift of free will choice. Open those gifts already within your own hearts and co-create the reality you have come to create through your choices for Love during this opportunity of the Great Awakening.

We, Teran and my band of angels, are here to help lead you from the darkness into the Light. Have no fear, we and all the servants of the Light and Unconditional Love are watching over you and leading you back into the Love within your own hearts as part of the One Heart of the Creator, which is Love.

Open your hearts to all the Love, Light, Joy and Grace that are always offered and found within your own hearts as the children of All That Is.

Hey Ho See, we are One.

Hey Ho Sha, we are Love.

And so be it.


February 1st, 2023

Blessings, my beloved Mother. Yes, it has been a while since we have connected in this way, with all your activities and projects in your new home filling your time and your thoughts. Thank you again for your willingness to serve as our voice – I, Teran, your loving son and my band of angels. We are honored to serve together with you at this time, in this moment.

Yes, as you’ve noticed, the energies have been extremely powerful of late, due to many factors. The approach of the green comet is one that has been affecting you as well as many, though most are not aware as much as you are that what they’ve been feeling – including chaos and turmoil – is being affected by this cosmic event.

Comets, as well as many cosmic events in the heavens, are harbingers of change, of shifts in humans personally as well as in the mass mind consciousness. We know it has been often challenging and uncomfortable as you have been feeling the effects of this heavenly body and the intensity of the energies as it approaches.

It is now, in these next hours and days, having its greatest effect on many. Many, not as informed about the event or as sensitive as you are to the influences of cosmic events, are befuddled by the intensity physically and emotionally of what they’ve been feeling.

Change is coming. Change is here. And along with change, there is often a powerful “shakeup” of the known and the familiar. This comet, the green comet, is assisting in bringing healing and change into the planet with its approach. These energies and change in general are not comfortable. Yes, there is occurring a shaking up, of sorts, to one’s reality, beliefs and perceptions. This “shakeup” is part of the preparation for change.

And as you’ve been told, great changes are ahead for many on many different levels. And as we, your Spirit Family and guides and angels, have suggested, it’s important to “go with the flow.” We repeat this here for you and all your Spirit Family, friends and neighbors and acquaintances in preparation for the coming changes.

We cannot tell you what these changes will be or what to expect, or when these changes may occur, but we can repeat the guidance to “go with the flow.” For resistance can make any journey, any event or circumstance more difficult.

So we offer these words of Love and guidance: Be not afraid, but welcome changes that come; for what lies ahead is a blessing, even though it may not feel so in the moment. Change often brings discomfort and apprehension because humans in general tend to cling to and welcome the familiar. Yet the changes that lie ahead are all a part of the Great Awakening, that magnificent time of discovery and acceptance of blessings that are a part of your divine heritage as children of God.

Goddess is Love, and the acceptance of this and the acceptance that you are Love as a part of the Creator, as a co-creator with All That Is, will set you free. Spread your wings and open to the unexpected, not in fear, but in joyful anticipation – knowing that all is in divine order. As you accept who you truly are as a creation of Love with the power of free will choice and accept the gifts and blessings that are a part of this realization, the New World – where Love is the foundation and the Light guides your path and your choices – will be created in the spirit of Love and Joy and Hope that is part of your inherent divinity as a co-creator with All That Is.

The most important thing to remember in the moment and the coming hours, days and years is that you are not alone. There is nothing to fear. There are no accidents, but the destiny you have chosen as your spirit decided to be a part of this magnificent time on Mother Earth, a time when all who have chosen to be here on Mother Earth now have the opportunity to be who you truly are as children of God, with gifts and blessings offered beyond your greatest dreams.

You are all free to choose to stand in the power of your Light, to make your choices based on the resonance of the Love in your hearts, in alignment with your Path of Light during this time of Awakening to your divine heritage and the truth of who you truly are as a child of God – created in Love, for Love and with Love.

Open your hearts, and as best you can, open to the opportunities that lie ahead with courage, joy and a sense of awe, of gratitude and of surrender to the blessings of the co-creation of a New World, a New Earth, with a sense of expectation and excitement, even in the moments when the “future” is unknown.

All is in divine alignment, and you have chosen to be here on your beloved Mother Earth, here and now with your beloved friends and families. You are surrounded by the Grace of God. You are surrounded by your Spirit Families of Love, including us – I, Teran, and my band of angels, who are all here with you to bless you with our Love, our guidance, our presence and our protection.

So, have faith that all is in divine order and that you are exactly where you need to be. Connect with the Love and the truth within your own heart and with your Spirit Family and the Creator Herself, knowing that you are loved and you are Love. Know that you are perfect just as you are, that every event in your life has brought you to be exactly who you are and where you are in your life, in divine alignment with the choices of your Higher Self, in alignment with the co-creator that you are during this magnificent time in the Earth.

It is a time of rebirth, the time of the Great Awakening, when you are given the opportunity through your choices for Love, to be blessed with the Grace of God as you gather together in Oneness with those who are also choosing to claim their Oneness with the Creator and those who have chosen the Path of Love through connecting with the Love within their own hearts as a part of the One Heart, the heart of the Creator.

So go forth in the spirit of Love – with courage, strength, with joy and hope – and with Joyful Expectation for the gifts and blessings that are offered to those who open their hearts to the Love that they are as children of God.

This is our message for this day: No matter how dark or hopeless events in the Earth may appear, go within and claim the Love that you are and the blessings that are offered to the children of God during this time of the Great Awakening and the co-creation of a New World, one that surpasses your imagination as you claim the Love and the Light that you are.

Be Peace. Live each moment in the peace that you are as a creation of Mother-Father God, blessed to be here, together with those whom you love, and loved beyond your comprehension by All That Is. Stand in the power of your Light and in the green Light of the comet, which is facilitating your awakening to the truth of who you are. Green is the color of healing. Your hearts, your spirits are being healed in this Light as you journey into the beauty and the Love of your own heart of hearts, part of the Heart of Goddess.

Hey Ho See, we are One.
Hey Ho Sha, we are Love.

We are Teran and his band of angels, ever here with you, loving you and guiding you into the Light, into the Light of the Great Awakening and the Light of the New World.


May 29th, 2022

Blessings, Mother, and your Love is returned as we once again join hands and hearts to bring a message of Love and of Hope into Mother Earth, to all of your brothers and sisters with open hearts.

While these times are even more challenging, with yet another heinous shooting tragedy on everyone’s minds and in their hearts, there is always hope that those who have died have not given their lives in vain. For these beautiful souls have agreed at the level of their spirits to sacrifice their lives in the hope of opening eyes and hearts to the need to take action to stop and prevent this senseless violence.

How many more precious spirits must volunteer their very lives to make a difference, to create a change in consciousness? Many in this tragedy have given their very lives to open the eyes and hearts of those who have become so hardened that they choose the right to carry guns over the precious gift of life.

We here, your band of angels and I, Teran, grieve with you, ever knowing that life is eternal, yet saddened by the fact that so many must suffer before eyes and hearts are opened to the call for action. Each and every incident of gun violence is a call to action. We cannot interfere with anyone’s free will. We can only join you in prayer that those who value their freedom to carry weapons of death and destruction above life itself awaken to the Oneness of all of life.

We continue to hold you all in our hearts and pray that those who continue to allow the violence awaken to the Love that they are. For those who awaken to the Love of the Creator of which they are a part can no longer choose violence over Love, fear over courage, and illusion over Truth, the truth that all of life is precious and each soul is a part of the Creator, given life to discover that they are Love and that the choice for Love is the path to claim the Love, the Joy, and the freedom that they seek.

Now is the time for action. Prayers are always a blessing, but the time has come for humans given the precious gift of life upon Mother Earth to stand in the power of their Light and choose Love, for the good of themselves and all of life upon your planet, where so many have descended into chaos and confusion. So many have lost their way, and the opportunities will continue to abound for those to come back home into their hearts and into the heart of the Creator.

We thank all of you reading this for staying the course, in alignment with the Love and the Light of Father-Mother God, All That Is. We know that living in the midst of the violence, chaos, and fear so prevalent upon the planet is difficult. We encourage you to rise above the mass mind consciousness and above the frequent storms to connect with your Higher Selves and your purpose to serve as beacons of Light, choosing Love and helping to lead the way for so many who are lost and confused.

I, Teran, and my band of angels are here to thank you and bless you for your strength, bravery, and steadfastness as servants of the Light. We are here with you every step of the way, encouraging you, loving you, leading you and all whose hearts are open, from the darkness into the Light.

The Light, the Joy, the Peace, the calm that you seek lie always within your own hearts, as a part of the Creator. That which you seek is always within you, always within reach within your own hearts. Remember this as you feel the heaviness, the weariness of the mass mind consciousness. Go within, retreating to the inner sanctum of your heart where Unconditional Love and the Creator Herself reside and are always with you, in the darkest hour. Open to the Love that you are as a part of the Creator. You have all that you need to make it through these storms upon Mother Earth. We are here with you, supporting you, loving you, encouraging you to continue to choose Love, to continue to trust and have faith that all is in divine order.

The Light and the Love and the Peace that you seek are already within your own hearts. You are not alone. We are here with you upon this journey every step of the way. Choose to do whatever you need to connect with the Joy within to lift your spirits, to fly upon your wings of Love above the madding crowd, above the mass mind consciousness of those who are choosing fear and illusion and violence over Love, Peace and Joy.

If you lose your way and fall into depression and doubt, pick yourself up. We will be with you to lend a helping hand. It is our honor and gift and joy and choice to walk this walk with you during these challenging times upon Mother Earth in preparation for the New World, the Great Awakening where those who choose Love and connect with the Love that they are, are creating a New Earth based upon the foundation of Unconditional Love.

May you stand in the power of your Light, aware that all is in divine order, no matter how it may appear in the reflection of those who are choosing fear, violence, greed and illusion. They are seeking power, but the only true power is Love and a life lived and choices made in alignment with that Love.

You know the answers. Choose in alignment with the Love and the Truth within your heart. That is your salvation, that is your Path of Light. Go now, standing strong and standing together as One, part of the One heart, the heart of the Creator. Peace is yours to be chosen, to be enJOYed through your choices for Love, not fear. Fill your hearts and your steps with Hope and with Light. Laugh and love together, knowing that all is in divine order.

Hey Ho See, we are One.

Hey Ho Sha, we are Love.



March 9th, 2022

Blessings, Dear One. We feel your Love. We, Teran and my band of angels are here with you, blessed to serve together with you as we bring this message of Love and Hope.

For that is what is needed there at this time and always – Love and Hope, as the world is in chaos, fueled by the violence of war. The forces of darkness are doing all that they can to disturb the peace and the joy which lie within each and every heart as a child of God.

Yes, the emotions of what has been a very challenging time for you and many in the last months are rising to the surface. For you, as a sensitive, and most upon the Earth, are deeply affected by the violence, chaos and fear that are so prevalent as those serving the dark are creating so much unhappiness, anger and frustration by their actions, attacking their very own brothers and sisters. Putin and so many encouraging and taking part in this violence have buried their connection to the Creator and to the Light so deeply, that it seems it has been lost.

But the Light is never extinguished, as states the First Principle of Teran’s KEYS FOR CREATING YOUR LIFE. In many, that Light, that connection has long been forgotten. The heinous actions of the few have thrown much of the planet into sadness and grief. And yet, at the same time many are coming together, working together in Unity and Oneness to oppose these forces of darkness. As our friends Laarkmaa say, “Even the dark serves the Light.”

For many are being called to gather together in Oneness to oppose the darkness and work together to defeat this attempt to extinguish the Light of Love, Peace and Unity. The war is doing much to gather the forces of Love together in Unity and cooperation to defeat those who have forgotten their true natures as sons and daughters of Love and Light, as creations of and co-creators with All That Is, the energy of Love.

The war is forcing those who have been undecided on their paths to choose – to choose Love, Light, Hope, Joy and Peace or to choose the darkness and the forces of illusion, fear, power and greed of the dark forces. Yes, even the dark serves the Light. So, know that all is in divine order, in alignment for the changes that lie ahead as the Great Awakening awakens many to the truth that they are divine sparks of the Creator, capable of co-creating the New World, the New Earth of Love, Joy, Hope, Peace and Compassion.

Those who choose Love and choose the Light are joining together to create this New Earth, while those who are joining together to serve the dark will not be a part of the magnificent creation of the New World where Love and Peace reign. Peace and Joy always reside within your heart as part of the heart of the Creator, from which you spring. This is your divine heritage, your divine right as co-creators and children of God. You are always connected to the power, the goodness, the Love and the Light of Goddess by your free will choices.

And all that you desire, all that you long for are yours as you choose the Light through your inalienable right of free will choice and divine heritage. The Love, the Light, the Joy, the Peace, the Hope, the kindness and the compassion have never left the earth plane, for they always reside within your own heart through your simple choice of connection with the Love that you are as a part of the One Heart, Mother-Father God’s Love within your own heart of hearts.

That Love, that Light are never lost, but remain eternally within your own heart, to be awakened by your own choice for Love. So do not lose heart, Dearest Ones, for the Creator will never forsake you. The Grace of Goddess is always yours as you open your hearts to the Love that you are, that the Creator is.

Join together in Oneness with your brothers and sisters, knowing that all is in divine order. Connect with that anchor of Love and strength within your own heart as a part of the Flame of Love that is the Creator within your own heart. We, Teran and my band of angels, are here with you to help lead you out of the darkness of the illusion into the Light of God which is always within you.

Go within. Pray for Peace. Be the Peace that you are. Be the Love that you are as a child of Mother-Father God. It is your divine heritage. Use your gifts of free will choice and co-creation to create the New World for which you long through your choices for Love.

We are sending you Love, strength and courage to stand in the Light, together and unified in Oneness, the Oneness of all life. Love is the answer, always the answer to every question. Let Love be your guide. Let Love guide your choices, your footsteps as you choose to serve the Light with hope and joy and peace in your heart. There is nothing to fear. We are here with you, guiding you through the darkness into the Light of the Truth that you are divine co-creators, children of Goddess, blessed and protected by the Love of the Creator.

This is a journey of discovery – discovery of your own power as children of Mother-Father God. Discovery of the power of your free will choices. Discovery of the Love that you are as children of God.

Go within to the Peace and the Hope within your own hearts as part of the One Heart of the Creator. Love will prevail. Through your choices for Love will the darkness be defeated.

Know that you are Peace. You are Love. You are the Light. Let that Truth focus you upon Hope and Joy, not upon the darkness created by those who have forgotten the Truth of who they are as creations of All That Is. All That Is is Love.

Hey Ho See, we are One.

Hey Ho Sha, we are Love.

Choose Peace. Choose Love. Choose Joy. Choose Hope. That is how the New World is co-created by you, the children of and co-creators with Mother-Father God.

Look into your hearts and see and know and accept the Truth of who you are.

I, Teran, and my band of angels thank you, Mother, for serving as my voice, the Voice of Oneness, the Voice of Love.


November 4th, 2021

Blessings be, Mother. Thank you for your kind offer to once again serve as my voice. As you so well know, my purpose in coming into the Earth briefly more than 27 years ago now, was to connect in the physical with Mother Earth and you and my beloved father in the Earth, to prepare the way for me to serve as an Ambassador of Love between these realms and all of you there upon Mother Earth.

It is my honor to serve in this way, together with you as my voice to bring clarity, Love, Light, truth, hope and joy to you and all who are open to these messages from me, Teran, and my band of angels. Yes, it has been about 5 years now that we have collaborated in this work (“The Voice of Oneness”) and in the preparation for those souls who are here with you at this time to claim the blessings and the gifts of the Great Awakening and to co-create a New World, one in which Love, hope, joy, peace and compassion abound.

The New Earth will leave behind, will have no place for fear, violence, anger, greed, illusion and all manner of heinous acts that are not in alignment with the Creator’s Love and Light. So thank you once again, Mother, for this opportunity that you have made possible for me as I serve Mother Earth and all of life upon her in this way. It is an honor and a great joy for me and my beloved band of angels to serve the Creator in this way, as His ambassadors of Love and Light.

While the darkness, chaos and illusion continue there upon Mother Earth, there have been changes and shifts in the energy and consciousness upon your planet as more and more are awakening to the truth of their divinity, divine heritage and blessings of Love, free will and co-creation as children of Goddess. Those who are at the forefront of this co-creation and the changes needed to create new foundations for a New World are awakening to the truth of their purpose, the part that they play in the co-creation of the new foundations and the new institutions needed to make The Way possible. For the old ways of being, the old foundations and institutions are crumbling to make way for the new.

There is recognition and collaboration between those who have entered during this time upon Mother Earth to be the builders, the architects, so to speak, of what is needed to ensure that the transition from the old to the new ways of being on all levels occur in the very highest and best way. There are many old friends renewing their friendships from other times and places, other realities, who are feeling those connections that have been agreed to as they come together to help design and facilitate the manifestation of the New Earth.

Many are recognizing each other, these connections and shared purposes, with their hearts. It is a homecoming of sorts, with great purpose, joy and celebration at the level of the spirit as well as consciously for many. And there is great celebration in these realms as the New World is being co-created not only by you humans there, but together with us, your divine Spirit Family of Love here on these levels as we have dedicated ourselves to serve together with you all during this significant time of the Great Awakening and the co-creation of a New Earth, one in which life upon Mother Earth will be what is meant to be, one of cooperation and collaboration celebrating the Oneness of all of life.

We are honored to be a part of this heavenly team, working directly with Mother-Father God and Her band of guardian spirits, angels and the Elders as guides and coordinators of this magnificent co-creation. Mother-Father God Herself is at the helm of this co-creation, working together with all, those of you there on the Earth and those here in these realms, to guide and bless with Grace this time of the manifestation of a reality in which Love, Light, joy and peace rule.

Those who are not taking part in the co-creation are blessed as well as they make their free will choices as children of God, free to make their choices and create and journey to wherever their hearts lead them on their own unique paths of co-creation. For each soul, each spirit, is the master of their own creation, free to create their own lives, their own works of art, the fabric of their lives, which are theirs and theirs alone to choose and create during this wonderful journey of life – the life given to each and every spark as a creation of the Love that is the Creator.

So, take heart. Literally place the Love within your own heart at the forefront of your choices as you create and manifest that which you long for. You cannot go wrong, for every free will choice is a blessing that leads to wisdom upon your own unique Path of Light. All roads lead back to the heart of the Creator, the One Heart of which you are part. There are no mistakes, just different pathways leading back to claiming the Love that you are as a part of All That Is.

So go in peace, with Love and compassion for yourself and your choices and for each one that you meet along the way. Join together with those that you love and recognize as Soul Brothers and Sisters. Bless yourself and all of those with whom you are journeying in this time of co-creating the New World.

Be grateful, be joyful, be at peace. Know that you are blessed and loved beyond your greatest imagining.

Hey Ho See, we are One.
Hey Ho Sha, we are Love.
Until we meet again, I am Teran, your brother in Love and Light.


August 8th, 2021

It is Teran and my beloved band of angels, here once again to assist during these interesting times upon Mother Earth, to bring our message of Love, Hope, Peace and encouragement to all those with open hearts, minds and spirits. We are blessed and honored to serve life upon Earth with our perspective on the events upon your beloved planet during these times of Awakening, the Great Awakening.

The key to sailing through the troubled waters upon Mother Earth during these times is to focus upon the Light and gifts and blessings that are being brought to all those upon your planet during these troubled times. Yes, there is much fear, much pain and suffering and challenge that so many are experiencing during this time of transition upon the Earth.

To bring the new energies of Love, Light, Trust, Joy and Peace into the new reality and the creation of the New Earth, there must be the clearing out of the old ways of being, the crumbling of the old institutions that have served as the foundation of the societies upon Mother Earth. For many of those institutions and ways of being and action have not been based upon Truth, Love and the Oneness of all of life, which is the only true foundation for a planet which is a reflection of the Light, Peace and Joy with which all of life has been created by Mother-Father God.

As a result of free will choice, the divine heritage that All That Is has gifted to all the children upon Mother Earth, choices have been made by so many that are not in alignment with Love, Joy, Truth, honor, compassion and kindness. In their zeal for power and in the spirit of greed rather than honor and Love, many have created a reality which is not in alignment with the gifts and blessings of the Creator. Power, greed, violence and fear have been the basis for choices by so many who have created institutions on all levels of life on your planet – institutions that are destined to crumble and fall. This is the result of choices made, not from Love, but from illusion and darkness.

This is a time upon Mother Earth when many eyes and hearts will be opened to the folly of choices made without honoring the Oneness of all of life, without placing Love at the forefront of creation. Many are learning important, valuable lessons about the right and responsibility of free will choice and the consequences of misusing and abusing their gifts of free will choice and denying their divine heritage as co-creators.

There are many lessons being learned, much pain and suffering and many challenges being faced by those who have lost their way. Their eyes are being opened to the truth that a foundation not based upon Love, Oneness, cooperation and collaboration, kindness and compassion cannot last, cannot bring true joy and satisfaction. These lessons are those that many who have chosen to be here upon the Earth at this time are learning.

Their spirits have chosen to have their hearts and minds and spiritual eyes opened to see the consequences of their choices and actions made based on fear, greed, violence, and illusion. Those who have chosen this path of darkness are seeing their beliefs and their reality crumbling before their very eyes.

This time of life upon Mother Earth is a time of opportunity like no other. The importance of choosing Love and honoring the Oneness of all life and honoring the Light with which all of life has been created by Goddess is being brought home to their consciousness and their souls in ways that are undeniable through these experiences that cannot be ignored, in ways that are shaking so many to the core of their beings, as what they have built in opposition to the Love and Light and Truth of the Creator is failing and crumbing right before their eyes.

Hard but powerful and soul-changing lessons are being learned by those who have forgotten and denied the Love and Oneness of all of life, have chosen the path of darkness, have denied the Creator and forgotten that they themselves are a part of the Love and the Light of the Creator. They are being brought to the truth that can set them free, set their spirits free from the enslavement of the darkness, which has encouraged their choices based on illusion, fear, greed, and violence.

All is in divine order. Their spirits themselves have chosen this opportunity to awaken to the truth of who they are as children of God created for and out of goodness – the Love, Joy, Peace and Compassion of Mother-Father God. Yes, the world is in chaos as a result of so many who have forgotten the truth of who they are as sons and daughters of the Creator. Their choices have created the chaos as the Love within their hearts has been forgotten or pushed aside as they lust for power and make choices based on greed, fear and separation.

Mother Earth will no longer stand being treated with lack of respect and honor. Your beloved Mother provides the gifts of life in abundance and with great Love. But this lack of respect and dishonor that she has been treated with in return for her magnificent gifts and blessings will no longer be tolerated. She will no longer tolerate the abuse and will cleanse herself as is necessary to renew and cleanse herself. The disregard tor her living spirit of Love and Light is not acceptable.

She thanks and embraces all of you who honor her for her Love and the blessing that she is to all of life, all of you who honor her spirit and the Oneness of all of life upon her. She will continue to provide for you in honor of your kindness, Love and respect as she becomes the New Earth, a planet where only those who support, nourish and love her are welcome.

All of you who honor her, yourselves, and all life as the creations of Love and Light that you are, all who honor the Oneness of all of life – have no fear. You who have chosen to be here to help change the consciousness upon the Earth through the power of Love and to co-create the New Earth are protected by the Love that you claim as children of God. Love will set you free.

The free will choice for Love is available to everyone. Love will set your spirits free and will free you to be co-creators of the New World. You are being watched over. You are blessed by the Grace of the Creator. Know that the chaos of this time upon your beloved Mother Earth will change as those who choose to remember and claim the Love that they are, are creating a new reality, a New World where Love reigns.

Go within your heart of hearts to ride out the storms. You will find peace, tranquility and safety there in the heart of the Creator, which is within your own hearts while those who choose a different path are honored by Mother-Father God for their free will choices, just as you are, in complete and utter Unconditional Love, free from judgment. Yet they will reap what they sow. All is in divine order. Yes, even on this planet where it seems the world has gone mad.

You are safe, you are blessed, you are embraced by the Love that you have chosen, by the divine heritage you have claimed as children of Goddess. Your rights of co-creation and free will choice are always honored, the acceptance of which set you free to determine the life you choose to create. Your choices for Love will create the New World for which you long. You are blessed with Love, Light and Grace by every thought, every choice, every action you take based on Love. That Love is reflected into the New World you are co-creating right now through choosing Love.

I, Teran, and my band of angels are here with you as you journey upon your Path of Light, guided by Love and honoring the Oneness of all of life. Have no fear. For we are here with you along with legions and legions of guardian angels, leading the way into the Light and the Love of the Creator, which resides within your own heart of hearts, as a part of the One Heart, Father-Mother God.

Call upon us. Feel our presence with you. We love you. We are all connected by the Love that we are, that we share, and that we honor as a part of All That Is.

Hey Ho See, we are One.
Hey Ho Sha, we are Love.
Peace be with you now and forevermore.
And so be it. Shalom.


June 23rd, 2021

Blessings, dear Daughter of the Light, my mother in the Earth. I, Teran, and my band of angels are once again honored to speak through you to bring hope, encouragement and Love into Mother Earth as this transition and awakening, the Great Awakening, proceed.

Most of those who are co-creating the New Earth together with you and all who are claiming their divinity and gifts of co-creation are now on a clear path, a clear trajectory to co-creating and facilitating the creation of the New Earth, one in which Love rules and guides the hearts of all those who have claimed and are claiming their God-given gifts of co-creation and freedom of choice.

The path is clear for most of those who are moving forward with great conviction as children of God, claiming the truth of who they are not only as children of God, but as co-creators joining together with those of like mind who are serving as examples of those who are guided by Love, stepping upon their paths of Light, in alignment with the Love and the Light that they are. The separation between Light and dark, Love and fear is widening.

The choice for Love continues to be available to all those who have not yet claimed their divinity and the power of their Light, divine heritage and co-creation. As more and more connect with their hearts and the Love of the Creator within, the opportunity to join in co-creating the New Earth continues. No one who makes the choice for Love is turned away from the heart of God. In fact, none are ever turned away from the heart of God, as all are part of the heart of the Creator, including those who have forgotten their divine heritage and who choose darkness and illusion rather than the Flame of Love which continues to shine within their own hearts, however dimly.

All of life upon Mother Earth has reached a point of choice, an opportunity that has heretofore not been experienced in the Earth plane. Now is the time that has been foretold. Now is the time for each to follow their own heart, to choose according to their heart within. Never upon Mother Earth has there been a greater opportunity, more assistance offered for those to claim their divine heritage of Love, Light, Compassion, Peace and Love which is each person’s birthright as a child of God.

Legions and legions of angels are awaiting the call of those who are ready and asking for help, tired of the fear, the violence, the illusion which are so prevalent upon the planet. The Flame of Love is burning ever so brightly, even for those who have lost their way in the darkness of fear and illusion. There are many upon the Earth as well as in the heavens and in all realms who are dedicated to answering the call of those who have been lost to their own divinity and are ready to come into the Light, the Truth, the Hope and the Love of who they truly are as children of God.

It is a time like no other, a process in which even the most lost, the most fearful are given a helpful hand if they awaken to that glimmer of long forgotten Light within their heart of hearts and they awaken enough to reach out in desperation, awakening to the spark of Love and Hope that has been forgotten for so very long.

The Great Awakening is a grand time and opportunity for healing lifetimes and lifetimes of forgotten divinity, forgotten connection with the Flame of Love within which is the Creator. There is hope for all who are able to connect, even briefly, to the truth of the Love and Light that we each carry within our hearts as children of Goddess.

There is much celebration here as more and more awaken to hope and awaken to the gifts and blessings of recognizing the Love of the Creator within their own hearts. It is a time of great hope for all those who remember and choose to align with Love, Peace, Compassion and Joy. As that choice is made, illusion and fear fall away and blessings abound. For one who has been lost in the darkness to take a step into the Light is a blessing to all, as we are all One Love as part of the heart of the Creator.

Do your best to live in the moment, in each present moment, with the knowledge that the choice for Love is always present and is the choice that will bring you everything that you have dreamed of and hoped for. You always have free will choice as a child of God. Go within your own heart, for the answers lie always within your heart. By choosing Love, you are creating your own joy and the opportunity to live the life you have always dreamed of. What you are dreaming of and longing for is truly within your reach through going within your heart and claiming the Love that you are.

Don’t be afraid to claim your power as a son or daughter of God. Each choice for Love is a step upon the path of Light which leads directly into the heart of Goddess. You truly are, and already are, all that you want to be. It’s a matter of connecting with the Love within your heart and claiming that Love, making the free will choices in alignment with your own heart of hearts, which are in alignment with the heart of the Creator.

You are a co-creator with God, with the responsibility and gift of creating your own reality. Claim your power, claim your joy, claim your Love as a creation of the Love of Mother-Father God. Claim your joy as you connect with the truth and the Love within your own heart. All the answers lie within your own heart.

If the answers aren’t clear, go out into nature, which is an expression of the Love and Oneness of the Creator. Claim the blessings of nature to attune to the truth and the Light within your heart, to clear away all interference of mass mind thought and consciousness and reconnect to the Love within your heart as a part of your divinity.

Breathe into the Love and the mana and power of all of life, the Oneness and connection of all of life as a part of the heart of the Creator. This is a tool which is always available to you, a gift that is always offered. Breathe in the Love and the Oneness of all of life with the intention of clearing your heart and mind and aligning with the Truth, Love and Light within. Know that you are blessed by nature, by this Oneness which is always available to you if you choose to align with the Love of the Creator which exists in All That Is.

Help and guidance are always available through the asking. Ask for balance, ease and Grace. Those and so much more are available through aligning with nature and attuning to your own heart of hearts. Nature is the gift that keeps on giving if you will but ask and know yourself to be part of the Oneness and Love of the Creator.
We hope that these words, this truth that I, Teran, and my band of angels are offering touch your hearts and open them to Hope – hope of a new and better world which you yourselves are creating as you go within your own hearts and choose Love, joining together with those of like mind who are claiming the Love that they are and are claiming the power of free will choice and their own divinity as a part of the heart of Mother-Father God.
We are with you on this journey into the Light and Love of your own heart as a part of Goddess and your co-creation of the New Earth through choosing Love and joining together with those of like mind.

Each choice that you make for Love lights up other hearts and shines a light upon the path to the Great Awakening, where all who so choose to awaken to the truth of their divinity and the power of Love. Go forth now in Peace, and with hope in your heart for all that you are and can be as children of God, creating a new reality, a New Earth based on the power of Love.

Hey Ho See, we are One.
Hey Ho Sha, we are Love.
And so be it.