By Teran with Sulara

June 1st, 2019

Blessings, Mother. Thank you once again for serving as my voice into Mother Earth as my band of angels and I serve as ambassadors of Love between these realms and Mother Earth with the intent of touching the hearts and spirits of your brothers and sisters with our Love and the truth of Oneness.

This time is a great time of opportunity for all to go into your hearts and to connect with the Love and the Light within your heart of hearts as a part of the Creator. For conditions there on your planet are reaching a crescendo of chaos, violence, and heinous actions which support the darkness, rather than the Light, that support greed rather than Love and right action. That serve fear rather than truth and courage. That serve the illusion rather than the truth of Unconditional Love.

We watch these tumultuous times upon Mother Earth with sadness for all the heinous acts of violence and greed and fear. We watch and help as we are guided and allowed to help without interfering with free will choice, full well knowing that the chaos and anger, violence and fear are all part of the divine plan to awaken the Creator’s divine Love within each and every heart as the Great Awakening and the opportunity to choose Love are created through this very challenging time upon the Earth.

Each and every person has the opportunity now and forevermore of going within their hearts and choosing what they want to create as their reality. Do they choose to take part in the darkness, illusion, fear, and violence that is so prevalent upon the planet during this time, or do they choose to create a New World in which Unconditional Love and the Oneness of all of life serve as the foundation and rule as the reality of the New Earth in her ascended form?

The point at which a decision must be made by the children of God is rapidly approaching. For it is obvious, is it not, that the chaos and destruction are escalating, and that all that is in alignment with goodness and mercy, joy, and peace are at risk? Many are asking in their hearts, “How much longer can this go on? How much longer can the violence, hatred, fear, and greed continue to grow and affect all of life upon the planet?” This violence, this greed, this anger, this fear can have no part in the New World where Love, joy, peace, honor, and respect for all of life will be the foundation for all of those who choose Love.

All of the terror, violence, damage, and destruction experienced on so many fronts and in so many ways upon the Earth does serve many purposes. It inspires those who choose Love to come together for the good of the planet and the good of all. It makes the choice for Love much more obvious and much more desired and sought after. It makes for clarity within the hearts of those who are literally sick and tired of a reality where darkness rules. It brings the desire for connection with the Creator and all that is goodness and light to the forefront. It makes it apparent that a joyful, peaceful life based on Love is longed for and worth coming together for in community and purpose.

The heinous acts of violence can no longer be ignored. The pain of living in a world which is run by the forces of greed and illusion can no longer be accepted. Darkness serves the Light. It acts as the inspiration for and the catalyst to choose Love and Light. It encourages one to go into their heart, to the center of Love, to the heart of the Creator which is truly the core from which all of life is created.

Hang onto your hats. For more challenge for all of life upon Mother Earth lies ahead as the chaos and destruction reach a point where no one can deny the need to make a choice between continuing to live in the darkness which is pervading all of life upon the Earth, or choosing Love as the foundation for a New World. This New World is being created by those of you who choose to act and live in Love rather than accept living upon a planet ruled by violence, fear, greed, and the illusion that anything worthwhile or desired is created by choosing the darkness.

Come together in Oneness, demanding change and aligning with all that is based upon Truth, Love, and Light. Go within your heart of hearts and align with the courage that is called for at this time upon Mother Earth, as the violence, greed, and destruction can no longer be accepted and allowed for Mother Earth and all of life upon her. Choose only Love. Support only Love.

Know that you are Love. Know that through your own choices as co-creators with Mother-Father God, a New World based upon Love, Light, Joy, Peace, Compassion, and Oneness can and will be created. Know that you are loved and protected as all of life upon the Earth experiences these challenges and changes that are necessary to creating a new reality, one in which Love is the foundation and darkness and illusion are no longer allowed.

There is nothing to fear. For as you go into your hearts and choose Love for every action and deed, you are protected by the very Love of the Creator. Legions and legions of angels are gathered in all realms to lead the way into the Light and the creation of the New World. Know that all is in alignment with the divine plan and with the Great Awakening, when all are given the opportunity to claim the truth of who they truly are as co-creators with Mother-Father God.

Do not allow yourself to be swept up into the illusion and fear of those who are not choosing Love as the answer for living a life of joy, compassion, unity, and peace.

I am Teran, and I am just one, together with my band of angels, of legions and legions of angels who are here to help lead each and every one who chooses Love into a new life and into the New World, a reality based upon Unconditional Love.

The man Jesus, who was an example of one who claimed His divine heritage of Love and Light as a co-creator with All That Is, made the promise that “all of these things and greater shall ye do.” As you choose to claim your divine heritage as a son or daughter of the Creator and as you choose Love, that promise will be fulfilled as a result of your own free will and choice for Love.

Love truly is the answer to every question. Love yourself, love your brothers and sisters, love Mother Earth and all of life upon her, knowing the Oneness of all of life as creations of Mother-Father God. Choose to create the New World for which you long through every choice made in and for Love.

Hey Ho See, we are One. Hey Ho Sha, we are Love.

Go within, into your heart of hearts, which is the heart of the Creator, and connect with that peace, joy, and Love which is yours as a part of the heart of the Creator. We are with you, guiding you, loving you, and holding your hand as you step into the truth of your divine heritage as a co-creator with, and as a divine creation of, All That Is. As the chaos continues and builds, know that the peace, Love, and joy you seek is within your own heart.


By Teran with Sulara

March 23rd, 2019

Blessings, dearest Daughter of the Light. Mother Earth and all of God’s children upon her have reached a point where those who are ready and willing are being called upon to step into the Light and step into the truth of who they are as children of God.

The challenges upon the Earth – the violence, the heinous acts of violence that continue to be committed by those who have chosen to follow the darkness and illusion so prevalent upon the Earth – have not abated, as those who are perpetuating the fear and illusion continue to choose to follow a path of darkness.

And those who have chosen to follow the path of Love and Light are now being asked to stand in their power as children of God and to open their hearts fully, transcending this darkness and allowing their Light and Love to shine into every corner of Mother Earth that is lacking in Love and is in need of healing. Banding together with those who choose the path of Love as co-creators with All That Is, the Light and Love that you send out into the planet can and does make a difference.

For the flame of Love within the heart of hearts of those who are choosing the darkness and illusion cannot be fully extinguished. The light within each heart created by Mother-Father God, no matter how dim, still exists. At the deepest level of their hearts, these children who have lost their way and strayed far from home, the Creator’s heart, remain always children of God with the right of free will choice and are offered the grace and divine gifts that are their heritage as creations of the Love of Mother-Father God.

Prayer by all of you who are claiming your divine heritage and your gifts of co-creation, can and will help to lift up the consciousness of those who have forgotten who they truly are. So we encourage you – I, Teran, and my band of angels – to join us in calling upon the Love and the Light of the Creator to touch those hearts who long to remember who they are as children of God.

Pray for all of those who are lost to find their way back into the heart of the Creator and to remember who they truly are as children of God, each a jewel upon the crown of the Creator. A special dispensation of Grace is offered at this time of rebirth, at this time of hope for humanity. For the Light is never extinguished, no matter how dim the flame of Love within the hearts of the children of God. This season of Spring is a time of rebirth for all those who so choose, for all those who open their hearts to receive this Grace.

We invite you, those who have chosen to open your hearts to the Love that you are, to join with us in prayer for the healing of Mother Earth and all of life upon her and all of humanity who choose to accept this special dispensation of Grace from God. We in these realms join our hearts together with yours to offer as much Love and Light as possible to Mother Earth and to all of God’s children as the ascension of the planet, and all of those who so choose to transcend the darkness and chaos so rampant upon the Earth at this time, proceeds.

We offer you our hands, we offer you our hearts in Oneness to assist in this offering of Love and Light to all of life upon the planet in preparation for the ascension of the Earth and the creation of the New World as a part of the Great Awakening. Trust that all is in divine alignment with All That Is. Trust that by aligning with the Love within your own hearts, you are always safe and always protected, no matter what is happening in the outer world as a reflection of the chaos and fear within so many hearts.

Aligning with the Love and Light within your heart allows you to weather any storm. Turn your attention and focus upon the Love that you are as a part of the heart of the Creator. We are here with you always, guiding you upon your path of Light. You will be protected and lifted into the New World through claiming the Love that you are as a co-creator with Mother-Father God.

Release all fear in the knowledge that you are co-creating the New World for which you long. Offer the Creator’s Love to every heart that needs healing. Some will hear the knocking at the door of their heart and open it to accept the offering. All of life is offered this Grace and Love from God, to accept if they so choose during this time of Spring and rebirth. Hold hope, joy, and gratitude within your heart. In this way, peace will fill your being and lead the way into the New World.

Thank you for joining us and the Creator in this offering of new life at this time of the Great Awakening. Thank you for blessing yourselves and your brothers and sisters by choosing the Path of Love. Thank you for opening your hearts to the truth and the blessing of the Love that you are by sharing this Love and offering this Love fully to yourself and to all whom you meet and all for whom you pray.

Let us join together in Oneness and in the heart of the Creator. Walk in Peace now and forevermore, in the knowledge that all is in divine alignment.

Hey Ho See, we are One.

Hey Ho Sha, we are Love.


By Teran with Sulara

February 14th, 2019

Greetings, Mother. And on this day of the celebration of Love, we connect our hearts with yours in the spirit of Love and Oneness. For we are all One Heart, part of the Love of the Creator, from which we are all created.

And as there is so much chaos in the Earth, so many actions, words, and deeds that are not based on Love, all of the events are assisting in leading many onto the Path of Love. For the polarities are becoming more and more pronounced, which in fact makes it easier for many to choose their paths. Violence or compassion and loving-kindness? Fear or trust that all is unfolding in alignment with the divine plan? Working in service to Unconditional Love and Light, or supporting darkness and illusion? The choices are presented, and free will choice is honored by the Creator, in alignment with the divine plan.

The year of 2019 has been referred to by our dear friends Laarkmaa as The Year of Collaboration. Many have felt a shift and noticed opportunities being presented which are separating those who are choosing the path of Love from those who choose fear, violence, and illusion. Those who have chosen the Path of Love, the Path of Oneness, are being brought together to work in unity and collaboration to create the foundation and structures of the New Earth as the old foundations are crumbling. There is excitement in the air for those of you who are choosing to co-create the New Earth and are being brought together to create a planet based upon Peace and the principles of Love and Oneness.

It is a time of great celebration here in these realms as well as there on the Earth as those who have chosen the path of Love are being connected to those of like mind. You are being brought together to put your minds and hearts together to create the planet and the reality that you have dreamed of. It truly is The Year of Collaboration and co-creation in which you all on this Path of Light and Love are connecting heart to heart and are being given guidance from many spirits in these realms in the creations needed to support a world in which Love, Joy, Compassion, and Peace is the foundation for all of life.

Mother Earth and all of life upon her are being honored and appreciated and supported in a new way by many. The truth of the Oneness of all of life is being brought to the forefront in the actions, words, and deeds of those who have chosen Love and are working together in the co-creation of the New Earth.

It is an opportunity like no other that is being presented to the children of God who are awakening and remembering their divine heritage. This opportunity, this gift of Grace from the Creator is offered to all. There is a quickening which many are feeling and becoming aware of as the ascension of Mother Earth and all whose choice is to be a part of this Great Awakening are remembering who they truly are as creations of, and sons and daughters of Mother-Father God. Many are awakening now and claiming the Love that they are and claiming the truth of their divine gifts of free will choice and co-creation.

Those who choose not to awaken and claim their gifts are honored and loved just as all of you are. They are to be honored and regarded with Love and compassion for their choices, with the knowledge that all paths eventually lead back to Love and the heart of the Creator. All of God’s children are loved and honored without judgment. There is no punishment by the Creator for one’s choices, only Love and compassion.

So join together with those of like mind and those who envision a world based upon Love, compassion, kindness, joy, and peace. Celebrate your uniqueness and your Oneness as you are guided to release everything that no longer serves you as you step more firmly, day by day, upon this Path of Love which is the Great Awakening and the Promise that you are loved and you are no lesser or no greater than all of God’s children.

Your choices determine whether or not you claim the Love that you are as one created in Love, by Love, and for Love. Make your choices in each moment determined by the Love within your own heart as a part of the Love of the Creator. And create together with your brothers and sisters the Planet of Love and Peace which you envision.

We are with you. Legions and legions of angels are here with you to ease the way as this transition, this ascension proceeds. Release all fear. Know that you are always in the hands and the heart of the Creator, as a part of All That Is.

You are showered with the Grace of the Goddess. Open your hearts to receive all the gifts and blessings now and forevermore that are being offered as you create the New World and as you awaken to your own divinity, to your own Love as a part of the One Heart, the Unconditional Love of the Creator.

We hold you in our hearts on this day and always, and we celebrate your awakening and your choice for Love.

Hey Ho See, we are One.

Hey Ho Sha, we are Love.

We thank you, Sulara, for allowing us to come forth with this message of Love this day and each time we meet, in Love and for Love and in celebration of Love.

Celebrate the Love that you are. Allow yourself the Light-ness of being one who knows themselves to be Love.


By Teran with Sulara

New Year’s Day, 2019

Blessings be, my dear Mother Sulara. I, Teran, and my band of angels come forward this day, the first day of 2019, to bring blessings and joy, to bring blessings, joy, and hope to all those who will receive this message, to all those whose hearts are open to the truth of this magnificent time of transition known as the Great Awakening.

The year that has just passed, known as the Year of the Great Cleansing, brought a lot of changes to a lot of people on Mother Earth and brought, as well, a lot of changes to Mother Earth herself as her inhabitants experienced what were, on one level, tragedies brought about through many different events related to the elements – fire, flooding, hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, etc.

On another level, these events were blessings in disguise to many as they gained much wisdom through these cleansings that opened their hearts, minds, and spirits to truths that had been long buried within their hearts as children of God. For the flame of Love which burns within the heart of all of God’s creations, all of God’s sons and daughters, had been forgotten by so many.

Those who experienced these events of the Great Cleansing had forgotten the truth of their divine nature and the truth of the Oneness of all of life, the truth of Unity and Compassion, and the truth of what is the foundation of all of life – Unconditional Love. The foundation of those who experienced the events of the Great Cleansing during the last year was shaken, and their lives will never be the same. Yes, their material worlds were forever changed, but more importantly, their hearts were forever changed.

Most, if not all, have a very different view of the world, realizing that what matters most is not what is without in the world, in the material, but what is within their own hearts, and that the true foundation of life is Love. They have realized that what truly matters is the Love within their hearts and the connection to those whom they love – not what lies without in their reality, but within their own heart of hearts.

This has been a blessing for all involved, even those who do not fully realize the blessings of these events. This has been an important first step in remembering their divine heritage as children of God. It has been an important step in realizing the Oneness of all of life upon the Earth and in all realms. For all of life is created in Love and is connected by this Love of Mother-Father God.

This Great Cleansing, while being extremely challenging for most involved in these events, has also been life changing in a positive way. And for many, it has been the vehicle for transition from life in the Earth to spirit form and back into the heart of God through the doorway known as death. These spirits now know that life never ends, that their spirit lives on, that their spirit doesn’t die but simply changes form.

And so, as we look back on the year 2018 that has just passed, and the doorway to a new year opens, there remain for many more opportunities for wisdom and growth of the spirit, more opportunities for more hearts to open to the truth of the divine heritage of the children of God. What lies ahead in 2019 is the opportunity through free will choice, to open the heart to Love through choosing Love through this gift of free will choice and through claiming the Love that we all are as creations of God/Goddess, created through Love as a part of the heart of the Creator.

Each event in the coming year, each moment of every day, is an opportunity to choose Love and to claim the Love that you are. Many may choose to resist opening their hearts, and that is their right of free will. But many others will open their eyes, their spiritual eyes, and open their hearts to the truth of their divine heritage and to the opportunities which are presented through the Love and the Grace of God. Others may not be ready, able, or willing to see from this perspective.

Those of you who have opened your hearts and claimed the truth of who you are as children of God may be called upon to assist your brothers and sisters as they reach out for help along the way as a part of the Great Awakening. Know that through your Love and Compassion, you can help many move from the darkness, chaos, and confusion into the Light of Truth, the truth that Love heals all things, that Love is the answer to all prayers, that Love shines within each and every heart as a creation of All That Is.

Love is the way, the only way to true Peace, to Joy, to Hope. Love is. Through events that lie ahead in this New Year, many will have the opportunity to fan that flame of Love, to realize the truth of their divine nature, and to choose the path of Love. And you, our beloved brothers and sisters upon Mother Earth, along with us – Teran and my band of angels and all those spirits of Love and Light in these realms who have chosen to assist at this magnificent time of the Awakening – have the opportunity to serve as beacons of Light through your Love, Compassion, and dedication to the Light, to serve those hearts who may need to be guided through the confusion, the chaos, the darkness, and the uncertainty of the times ahead.

Thank you, those who so choose, for your willingness to join us in this great blessing of service, to serve as angels of the Light as we move the children of God and Mother Earth herself into a new reality based upon Love, the Love of the Creator. So have no fear. We in these realms are here with you, helping to lead the way into the Light, into the Light of God, into the Light of Truth, into the Light of Love.

We are your faithful servants, dedicated to God/Goddess and dedicated to being the Way Showers and shining our light together as One. For we are all One, all a part of this Great Awakening where so many will choose to awaken to the Love and Light that they are as a part of the heart of the Goddess.

Step into this New Year in peace, with joy, with hope, and with celebration for the hearts that are opening and that will be opened to the truth of Love and our divine heritage and the Love that we all are as part of the heart of God, in the Oneness of All That Is.

Hey Ho See, we are One. Hey Ho Sha, we are Love.

For those who choose to open their hearts, blessings and Grace beyond compare await you. We are honored to be gathered here in celebration of, and in service to, the Great Awakening.


By Teran with Sulara

December 11th, 2018

Blessings, dear Sister of the Light. Yes, we feel and share your excitement at this time in the Earth, as the Grace of God is present and being offered to each and every person whose heart is open to these blessings at this monumental time upon the Earth during this Season of Love that is like no other.

The spirit of the Christ is present not only in the presence of Jesus as this time of the celebration of His birth approaches. The spirit of the Christ is being felt by so many who are ready to acknowledge their divine heritage as Sons and Daughters of God/Goddess as they claim the fullness of their spirits and their gifts as they connect with the Love of the Creator within.

Yes, the excitement is palpable, is visible from these realms as more and more are becoming aware of this special gift that is being offered to all those who are ready to open their hearts to the Love that they are.

This comet bears the Light and Love offered to all those who are ready to claim the Love that they are. This emerald green light which is being showered upon your entire planet is bringing the Unconditional Love of the Creator to all of Her children who are opening up their hearts to who they truly are as creations of All That Is and who are opening up their hearts to receive this healing which is coming to cleanse body, mind, and spirit to prepare for the Great Awakening.

Legions and legions of angels are present as this great gift and blessing is directly offered from the Grace of God Herself. As you look into the heavens to connect with this heavenly vehicle which carries the blessings and the healing offered directly from Mother-Father God, breathe into this emerald green light. Fill your heart with this stardust.

Fill your heart with this Unconditional Love which is a special dispensation at this holy time, the Season of Love. Whether or not one recognizes or celebrates Jesus or His birth into the Earth, this Light of Love is offered to all who are acknowledging and claiming the Love that they are as creations of, and co-creators with, Mother-Father God.

All those who open their hearts to accept this gift of Grace, of Unconditional Love and healing, will be changed forever, on all levels. This gift of Light and Love is lifting all the illusions and darkness of fear from those who so choose to accept this gift. The burdens of all parallel lifetimes, lived on Mother Earth or in any other realm, are being dissolved by this cosmic light, which is none other than the Love and Light of the Creator.

All that needs to be done to receive this magnificent gift is to open your heart in Love and forgiveness for self and all others, and the intent and desire to live your life guided by the Love that you are as a Child of God. This is a gift heretofore never offered to Mother Earth and all of life upon her.

Take this gift, this emerald green light of healing into your hearts. Breathe it into every cell in your body, into your energy field, and into all of your bodies… into your very soul. This is a blessing beyond compare. So many are so excited, for their spirits have chosen to be present at this time for this gift.

All those upon the Earth are being showered with this Light of God, whether they are aware of the presence of the comet or not. Those who are not aware but have chosen to live their lives in Love and for Love, and have opened their hearts to Love, which is the Creator, are receiving this gift. It is a matter of free will choice. All those who choose Love shall receive this Love and healing.

So go forth now in hope, joy, and the expectation of all who know themselves to be a Son or Daughter of God, deserving of their divine heritage of Love, Joy, and Peace. As you accept this Love, this direct Grace from God, you will see through eyes of Love, hear the sounds of Love, feel and taste the infinite beauty of Love, smell the fragrance of Divine Love. You will touch the heart of God. For you are a part of the heart of the Creator, as is all of life upon Mother Earth and in all realms.

All of life is One. All of life is created in Love and is a facet of the crystal of Love of All That Is. Go now and celebrate this divine gift which is yours, a part of your divine heritage as a child of God, if you so choose.

May the peace of Mother-Father God fill your hearts, replacing all fear, replacing all sadness, all mistrust. You are always in the embrace of the Creator. You are always in the heart and in the hands of the Goddess. You are always loved beyond measure and beyond your comprehension. You are always the Light and Love of the Creator as a facet of the jewel of All That Is.

As you accept this gift, this Grace from God, you become all that you are in the fullness of your divine spirit… One with God, One with each other, One with all of life upon Mother Earth and everywhere.

In great joy to bring forth this message of hope and joyful expectation, I, Teran, and my band of angels join you and all of the heavens in celebration of Love. We are honored to join with you in joy, in hope, in celebration. Open your hearts to this divine gift now, and breathe in the Peace of God which is your divine heritage forevermore.


By Teran with Sulara

November 11th, 2018 (11:11:11)

Blessings, dearest Mother, Daughter of the Light. Thank you so much for offering to serve as my voice together with my band of angels, as the Voice of Oneness. This message on this auspicious day 11:11:11 is our 20th meeting. Two is the number of partnership. Together we are bringing this message to all those whose hearts are open and seeking to be a part of the healing of Mother Earth and all of life upon her, as part of the co-creation of the New Earth and the Great Awakening.

For all of us gathered here and all who will read or hear our message are partners in the co-creation of this magnificent time and the creation of the New Earth. Thank you for sharing our message this day, this time when powerful energies of Love, light, and connection with Source are magnified. These energies which are facilitating the Great Awakening upon Mother Earth are being brought in by the Creator Herself, together with the Elders and legions and legions of angels whose mission is to assist Mother Earth and all of life upon her who so choose, to ascend into the new reality, the New Earth.

Humans have reached a critical choice point, and the energies of this Stargate are facilitating a deeper connection, for all who so choose, with Love, light, joy, peace, and compassion. This Love dwells within each heart as a part of the heart of the Creator, as the flame within, which is the inherent gift to all of life from Mother-Father God. Whether or not one chooses to fan this flame and consciously connect with this Source of all life, this Flame of Love is gifted by the Creator to all of His children, His co-creators. This grace from God and this right of free will choice as a co-creator are gifts which are an inherent right from the Creator. This Love and this connection to the Creator are always present. One may accept these gifts consciously and fan the flame of Love, or one may choose not to nourish these gifts which come from the Source of all life.

You are all the children of God. You have chosen to explore your gifts of co-creativity through your life and your experiences upon Mother Earth. Many have forgotten this connection, this Source of All That Is. This time of the Great Awakening is a time of remembering who you truly are as children of Goddess and as co-creators who have always remained as a part of the heart of the Creator, as a part of the Oneness of all of life.

Those who have forgotten this connection are given the opportunity to remember who they are as children of and co-creators with Mother-Father God. All of those who are experiencing these challenges so prevalent now upon the planet through disasters such as the fires and earthquakes and other events are being given the opportunity to remember their source and what is truly important in life.

Those who are experiencing these tragedies and these challenges have chosen these experiences themselves, at the level of the soul, as opportunities to remember who they truly are as a part of the heart of the Creator. These wake-up calls all over the planet are a part of the Great Awakening and the Great Cleansing, which are preparing all of life and the Earth herself to ascend into a higher dimension where Love, light, peace, joy, and compassion, which are your rightful heritage and gifts from the Creator, abound.

So know that there is purpose in the madness and the suffering within the Earth. Those who are experiencing these events have chosen through the right of free will of their own spirits to provide this opportunity for their own awakening. Those who perish from the Earth have chosen to return to God’s side, and those who remain upon the planet have chosen to do so to be co-creators of the New Earth, where life is celebrated as the gift that it is through Love, joy, peace, harmony, and cooperation with the knowledge that we are all One, created in Love, through Love, and for Love.

So be grateful for your precious life and these opportunities to help move the consciousness of all of life upon the planet into Oneness and Love. Do all that you know to be Love and to act in and out of Love, kindness, and compassion. Love yourselves wholeheartedly, love your neighbors, Mother Earth, and all of life upon her. Celebrate your freedom, your free will choice, and your connection with one another and the Creator.

Take heart, for all is divinely guided during this time of the Great Awakening. Remember who you are as the sons and daughters of God. Remember that you may choose, through Love, a planet free of fear, violence, greed, and chaos. Choose Love, be Love, act in and out of Love, and you will be opening the Creator’s gift of Love which is your divine right and your divine heritage. Look into the eyes of your friends and family, look into the eyes of all of life, and know that you are all One Heart, all created by Mother-Father God through Her infinite Love.

Know that we are here with you. We have chosen and are honored to be a part of this magnificent time, this magnificent opportunity of the Great Awakening and fulfillment of the Promise, that all this and greater shall ye do through your own free will choice as you choose Love.

I, Teran, and my band of angels are here with you, leading the way from the darkness, fear, and chaos so prevalent upon the Earth into the Light of your own hearts as a part of the heart of the Creator. Thank you for opening your hearts to the truth of who you are as children of God. Thank you for choosing Love and honoring the Oneness of all of life upon Mother Earth.

Have no fear, for you are guided every step of the way upon this journey through the Great Awakening and into the Love that you are as a part of the heart of the Creator.

Hey Ho See, we are One. Hey Ho Sha, we are Love.

Hold hands with us and with all of your brothers and sisters who are choosing Love as we step into the New Earth, the new reality where Love, light, joy, peace, and compassion abound in the Oneness of all of life and the One Heart of Mother-Father God, the Creator of All That Is.


By Teran with Sulara

October 5th, 2018
Blessings, and we are happy to join you once again to bring our message of hope and joyful expectancy into the Earth plane. Does it feel that just when it seems that it can’t get any worse there on your planet, there is another disaster resulting from Earth changes or in the political arena resulting in more chaos and dissatisfaction? The polarity, the division between the Light and darkness seems to be ever increasing. Yes, these events are serving to polarize those who choose the Light and those who are choosing greed, violence, chaos, fear, and all manner of action that divide humanity rather than bring unity.

Events are reaching a crescendo, and more Earth changes are on the way as Mother Earth does what she needs to balance the energies and neutralize the pockets of shadow and negativity all over the planet which have been the result of the energies that have been reflected from hearts that have lost their connection to the Source of all life, the unconditional Love, joy, hope, peace, and compassion that is at the core of the flame that lies deep within each heart as a creation of All That Is.

How much more can we take of this chaos, this violence, this greed, these actions based on fear, you might wonder. For those of you who choose Love and envision and are, in truth, creating a New World based on a new paradigm of peace and cooperation, honesty, joy, and unity, this madness upon the Earth – which is the result of hearts that have forgotten the truth of their divine heritage and the truth that what is reflected without into the world is a result of what we focus upon and encourage within our own hearts and lives – are wondering when this madness will end and a new beginning, a new reality based on Love, peace, and harmony will begin.

The time draws very near. Have faith and trust that all is in divine timing and alignment. As we have mentioned before, there will occur at a point which is drawing near, an implosion of sorts that will trigger the Great Awakening, a time when hearts can no longer deny their divine heritage of Love, light, free will choice, and co-creation. Many will be forced to choose between the existing chaos, fear, and violence, and a New World in which the Oneness of all of life is recognized and honored and becomes the basis for one’s actions.

Legions and legions of angels and spiritual masters are poised here in the heavens, ready to descend into the Earth to lead those who so choose into the New World to continue their journey of life rather than continue to be a part of the collective consciousness which now exists that is based upon illusion, fear, and choices that do not honor Mother Earth and all of life upon her as One Heart, as a part of the heart of the Creator, All That Is.

The mass mind insanity based upon illusion, fear, chaos, and violence together with coming Earth changes will shake the foundations of all of existence upon the planet, and many eyes and hearts will be opened as they are given the choice to continue life as they know it upon the Earth or to ascend to a New World where Love rules, where the power of Love becomes the foundation for a new existence that follows the Great Awakening, and that time when free will choice determines whether one steps into the light of their spirit as a part of the heart of God, or one chooses the familiar, based on fear and illusion, and chooses to remain on a planet of chaos, confusion, greed, fear, and violence.

Each free will choice is honored without judgment, and the opportunity of choice remains with each individual in every moment. The trumpets, the celestial orchestra heralds this approaching time of celebration of the Great Awakening when many will choose to follow the truth of their divine creation and destiny.

Those of you who have perhaps long ago chosen the path of Love and Oneness have been waiting patiently for this opportunity, for this long-awaited gift from the Grace of God. We bless you and commend you for staying the course, not giving up hope of this New Earth, the New World for which you long. Thank you for your courage. Thank you for your strength as you have weathered many storms on all levels upon the Earth during these turbulent times of preparation and the Great Cleansing.

We encourage you to hold fast to the truth of the purpose of these chaotic times as many hearts are prepared for the Great Awakening. Know that you are protected, guided, and loved every step of the way. Flow with the events as best you can, relying on the truth you hold within your hearts that Love will show you the way and that thinking and acting in, choosing, and being Love will create the New World for which you long. You yourselves are co-creating this New World, so envision everything you desire and follow your hearts in each decision that you make and each step that you take.

We, Teran and my band of angels, continue to be right here at your side and in your hearts, leading the way. Together with legions and legions of angles, we are protecting you and guiding you every step of the way into the reality, into the New World where Love, joy, peace, and unity are the foundation, and life is one of joyful celebration and Oneness with all of life. God/Goddess is at the helm of Her ship of Light as you are welcomed aboard and transported, enveloped in Love and safety into the new reality, the New Earth.

So begin each day connecting with the Love, peace, and joy within your own heart as a part of the Creator. And celebrate all of your many blessings and gifts in gratitude, in spite of the chaos that surrounds you in the Earth and in the mass mind consciousness.

Do everything you need to do to remain focused on Love, focused on the positive and focused upon the truth and the Flame of Love within your own heart as a part of the brilliant, diamond Light of Love from which you are created. Life is a gift. You have chosen to be here. Everyone has chosen to be here, though the majority has forgotten this truth of their divine heritage and gifts of free will choice and co-creation.

Go now about your day, untroubled by the chaos, confusion, anger, violence and greed without, in the world. Sit in your heart, in the fountain of Love which feeds your body, mind, and soul. See these times for what they are – necessary preparation for a new birth, as many souls and the Earth herself rise from the ashes like the phoenix to begin anew.

With much Love and celebration for that time of the Great Awakening that is here now for many of you and approaches quickly for many more as the New Earth is created and becomes a reality built upon the foundation of Love, Light, and the Grace of God. Thank you for opening your hearts to the truth of who you are as a creation of Love.

Hey Ho See, we are One.
Hey Ho Sha, we are Love.

Until we meet again, choose to celebrate each moment in joyful expectation, peace, trust, and gratitude.


By Teran with Sulara

August 9th, 2018
Good morning, dear Sulara. Yes, we have called upon you once again to serve as our voice as the energies of the Great Cleansing intensify and expand throughout your planet. We bring this message not to create fear, but to encourage preparedness for the chaotic and intense times ahead as Mother Earth and life upon her is cleared of the old to make way for the new as the planet prepares to ascend. The New Earth is being co-created now, as we speak, by each of you who has volunteered to be here upon Mother Earth at this time in preparation for the Great Awakening and the New World, which must be preceded by this Great Cleansing.

As Mother Earth heaves and moans, cleansing the effects of the disrespect and mistreatment by the humans upon her, those who would continue in their ways of destruction and violence are being issued a wake-up call. This wake-up call is a blessing, an opportunity for those who have been misguided and making choices through the layers of illusion so prevalent upon Mother Earth. They are being presented with the opportunity to step outside of these illusions of mass mind thought and be reconnected with the truth within their hearts – the truth that all of life is One, connected by and created in Love, for the purpose of exploring free will choice and co-creation with God/Goddess.

This God-given divine right has been abused and misused, creating havoc upon the Earth. This right of free will choice was never meant to be used to instill fear in your brothers and sisters, never meant to deny the right of free will choice in others, to inflict harm and used violently in the interest of power and greed. Anger, fear, hostility, violence, and greed are rampant upon the Earth as so many have lost touch with the truth within their hearts, lost touch with the flame of Love which always dwells within the heart as a creation of All That Is. So many who are misdirected, misguided, and lost to the truth of their divine natures are now being given the opportunity through events which are, and will continue to be, presented that will strip away layers of illusion which have hidden the truth of the Oneness and divine nature of all of life.

As the Creator has given all the right of free will and co-creation, the chaos, confusion, and violence are all part of the journey of finding the way back home into the truth of the Love that is at the core of all of creation. This time of the Great Cleansing and the Great Awakening and the creation of the New Earth has been co-created by all of you to open hearts to the truth of the divinity of humankind and the Oneness of all of life.

Those who choose to open their hearts to the Love which resides within their own hearts as a part of the Creator will be given the opportunity to choose an existence as part of the New Earth, where Love, Freedom, Compassion, Joy, and Peace prevail. Those who choose to continue to dwell in illusion and limitation will continue to have the right to live in the midst of chaos, violence, hatred, fear, and greed.

The buildup of these energies upon the Earth has necessitated a mass cleansing of the planet, as life cannot continue to be supported upon a planet which continues to be desecrated, abused, misused, and disrespected. Thus this cleansing will continue until the Earth is cleansed and can begin anew to provide, as the loving Mother that she is, everything needed for life upon her.

There is nothing to fear, as those who choose Love will ascend with Mother Earth herself into a dimension where the New Earth, healed and renewed, will continue to lovingly provide all that is needed in abundance for a New World where Love, Joy, Peace, and Abundance abound.

We, Teran and my band of angels, are here with you this day to prepare you and to reassure you that all is in divine order, that you are loved, protected, and guided every step upon the way throughout this Great Cleansing and into the Great Awakening and the co-creation of the world in which you want to live. Join together with those of like mind and create the new paradigm as the old crumbles. Know that you are always safe within the heart of the Creator. Know that you have the power and the authority to co-create the New Earth for which you long.

We, as well as legions and legions of angels and the Creator Herself, are holding you in our hearts and preparing the way for the Great Awakening and your smooth and safe transition into the New Earth as a New Human who claims the Love that you are and co-creates the planet based on Love that you are dreaming into creation right now. Know and claim your strength, your power, and your authority as a son or daughter of God with the right of free will choice and co-creation.

I, Teran, and my band of angels are leading the way with many other angels of the Light, encouraging you and blessing you and protecting you every step of the way. Have no fear. Know that you are loved. Know that you are blessed by these events that are in divine order. Trust that by choosing Love, you are creating the planet of Love which you imagine.

Go within and love yourself unconditionally as God/Goddess loves you. Know that you are perfect just as you are, and choose to be the Love, the Peace, and the Joy that you already are.

In great joy for the blessings that are always offered as you open your hearts to the Love that you are and to the truth of the Oneness of all of life, created in, out of, and for Love, we stand with you as you choose Love and walk into the Light and the Joy of all that you are and all that you can be as children of God, as you spread your wings and fly into the fullness of the heart of the Creator, which lies within your own heart as a creation of Mother-Father God.

Hey Ho See, we are One.

Hey Ho Sha, we are Love.

May you claim the Peace, Love, and Joy within which is always there to be claimed if you so choose. Now and forevermore, we are here with you as your guardian angels to show you the way.

And so be it.


By Teran with Sulara

July 24th, 2018

Blessings, Daughter of the Light. And we join you once again in great joy as we serve together at this powerful time upon the Earth. This is a time of reckoning, so to speak. It is a time when the forces of light as well as the forces devoid of light are at their height of empowerment.

And it is a time when those who are serving the Light must join together to build the power of Good, Love, and Light to move these energies which would interfere with the claiming of the divine gifts that are each person’s birthright as a child of God. As our friends the dolphins have shared, it is the Time of the Great Cleansing in preparation for the Great Awakening.

Those shadows that are creating a burden, interfering with a clear Path of Light, affecting choices in a negative way, are being brought up into  consciousness from the subconscious where they have been affecting one’s ability to claim their birthright of Love, Joy, Peace, and Compassion for self and others. These times are fraught with the result of illusions, or shadows, which have been hidden in the psyche, hidden in the emotional body as a result of experiences along the path of life, this lifetime and others. These shadows interfere with clear sight and result in poor choices. These choices that have been affected by the shadows in the subconscious and mental and emotional bodies are the result of fear and a lack of freedom due to hearts that have been broken, hearts that have been closed to the truth of humankind’s divine nature.

An example of such a shadow is this channel Sulara’s belief that she has had that she is unappreciated. This shadow, this belief has created an energy that draws energies that reinforce this fallacious belief. An experience in past has impacted her emotionally which created this illusion, and this illusion has brought manyfold experiences that have reinforced this shadow.

We use this example, with her permission, so that others can relate to the experience of recognizing and then acknowledging a shadow through the pain and intense emotional reaction to events that bring a shadow to the surface of one’s consciousness. Some who experience a similar emotional overreaction to an event may be able to remember the first time that they felt such a powerful emotion, when the shadow was created. Others, like her this time, may have no memory of a specific event which resulted in the creation of the illusion.

When an exaggerated emotion surfaces that is related to a shadow that has been in the subconscious, it allows that emotion to be recognized, acknowledged, and expressed fully. In this case, Sulara experienced very deep pain and sadness surfacing as a result of the false belief that she is unappreciated. Without judgment, she let the tears flow freely, and with the intent to do so, released whatever experience was at the core of the creation of the shadow as well as the emotions related to the incident.

Releasing the emotions into the Violet Flame of Love upon the altar of God with harm to none, and also affirming the truth that she is in fact appreciated, and affirming her own appreciation for self, she then closed the door upon her past experience that was at the core of the creation of this shadow. By doing this even though not cognizant of the specific event that created the illusion or shadow, she has now released this impediment to her true joy and the knowledge of her true divine nature, which is one of complete joy. This has lightened her spirit and enabled the clearing of the energy that continued to create events and circumstances that supported that false belief about self.

So spend time, especially during this time as the Full Moon and the Lunar Eclipse approach, in silence and in honor of those shadows that may be rising to the surface of your consciousness to be seen for the illusions that they are, and that may be released into the Violet Flame of Love, where these energies are transmuted into Love with harm to none, removing a blockage to the freedom of the spirit.

This is an example of what you may experience, as this channel has, as a part of the Great Cleansing. Whatever intense emotions surface during this time, step back to see them in unconditional love for self, and know that you are able to release these shadows, and that weight will be lifted from your spirit and from your emotional body, revealing the truth of your perfection and the beauty of your soul. In this way, you can clear burdens that no longer serve you. The energies of the new and full moons and the eclipses are a blessing which allow these shadows to surface and to be released, to lighten your burdens and enlighten your body, mind, and spirit.

See yourself and know yourself in your perfection, as a beautiful son or daughter of God, without judgment, knowing that these experiences and the creation of these illusions or shadows have been a part of your learning in this human experience, part of your journey into the truth of your divine nature and part of the experience needed for your wisdom and growth.

So during these powerful times of the Great Cleansing, it is important to honor this process by providing the time and space for self to feel and get in touch with these energies that are surfacing to be recognized, acknowledged, honored, and released. And while the experiences of these shadows coming into the light may be very painful and challenging, know the whole process to be a great blessing, an opportunity to clear old patterns, beliefs, and illusions that no longer serve you – an opportunity to release old baggage, so to speak, that has been interfering with your pure joy and the claiming of your divine nature.

With your intent and through loving self unconditionally, without judgment, these shadows can be released and transmuted into Love, allowing you to experience great healing and a great lightness of being as the weight of these illusions is shed, allowing your spirit to shine brightly in the truth of your beauty, wholeness, Love, Light, and Joy. And so, honor this time of the Great Cleansing for what it is – a blessing upon the path of claiming the truth of who you are as a child of God.

Call upon you own Higher Self, your guardian angels and guides to assist you through this time. We, as well – Teran and my band of angels – are here at your side to assist you through these times in preparation for the Great Awakening and a time of great Peace, Joy, and Love as the truth of your divine spirit is claimed.

Hey Ho See, we are One. Hey Ho Sha, we are Love.

And so be it.


By Teran with Sulara

May 25th, 2018

Blessings, dear Sister of the Light! Things have certainly heated up since our last meeting (given with a note of loving humor, as Lama Sing would say)!

The Goddess Pele brings her gift of the fire of transformation and purification to assist in the healing of Mother Earth, releasing pressures in a way in which the greatest amount of imbalance is transmuted with the least amount of harm to human life. While many have lost their homes, Pele is considerate of preserving human life while her fires transform tremendous amounts of energies that have been imbalancing to Mother Earth and all of life upon her.

Many are mesmerized by the power and beauty of the Goddess Pele. The majority of those affected by this cleansing and balancing honor Madame Pele, and some understand that this clearing is necessary for the well-being of the planet and all of life upon her. Pele has been relatively gentle, giving much advance warning and the opportunity for most to move out of harm’s way and gather their most treasured possessions.

This cleansing is necessary and an important precursor to the even more significant changes that lie ahead as part of the Great Awakening and the opportunity for those who so choose to co-create the New Earth where Love, peace, unity, and cooperation are the foundation of a new way of being upon Mother Earth for those who choose Love.

Many eyes and hearts have been opened through this life-changing event, with the Goddess using great compassion in sparing life while clearing old energies to make way for the new, and assisting in ushering in the significant changes called for in the creation of the New World. Yes, Pele working together with Mother Earth has shown great constraint and compassion, offering the opportunity for many to open their hearts to what is truly important in life.

Hawaii is an important center of the new ways of being, of the foundation that is being created for the New World as old energies are transformed and transmuted. The islands of Hawaii are at the heart of the New World and will become a center for those who choose to remain on Mother Earth, but not the Mother Earth as it is known now. For the planet is shifting its consciousness, clearing out the old thought forms of chaos, violence, and fear as she prepares to ascend into a new vibration of Love. And all those who so choose to co-create the new reality, the New World, will change vibratory levels along with the planet.

This is nothing to be feared, but an opportunity and a blessing brought forth through the grace of Mother-Father God, the Creator who granted life in the form of Love. A return to that original consciousness of Love is what is being offered by the Creator Herself to those who choose to claim their divine heritage of Love, Light, Joy, Compassion, and Peace. This gift, this opportunity, is offered to all. All are equal and equally loved by the Creator. None are judged, no matter how heinous the crimes and choices may have been as souls have journeyed through consciousness exploring their gifts of co-creativity. Each one has the opportunity to choose Love, the Love which already resides within each heart as a part of the heart of All That Is. All of life is a spark of the Light of God. This remembrance of the origins of all of life resides within each and every heart and all of life upon the planet and in all of existence.

The Great Awakening is the awakening and opening of hearts to this truth and understanding that through the Creator’s gift of free will choice, this Love may be remembered and reclaimed by those who have forgotten and lost their way as they have journeyed to explore their gifts of free will choice and co-creativity.

Many are drawn to the beauty of the fires of transformation, and these fires have sparked the remembrance of the origin of life for many. That origin, that foundation, is Unconditional Love. Many are drawn to the light of the fire of Pele like moths to a flame, as this event is triggering the memory of the source of all of life – the flame of Love.

So release all fear and celebrate that the time of Awakening is here, in each moment that you choose Love not fear, choose compassion and kindness not violence, choose peace and joy rather than chaos. All that you need to be a part of this new reality, the New Earth, the Promise of Love for all of life in Oneness, lies within your own heart. You do not need to be anything you are not. You are perfect as you are. You simply have to remember the Love that you are and make your choices based on that truth.

This is a magnificent moment in time in which the grace of Mother-Father God is granted to each and every person and to all of life. What do you choose?

As you choose Love, you are guided with Love and compassion every step of the way by those angels of the Light who have chosen to serve as guides and beacons of Light at this monumental time upon Mother Earth. The Way will be made clear. The Love will be palpable. You will be filled with an expansion of the indescribable Love which resides within your own heart. The lines of Light which connect all of life will become visible, and the Oneness of all of life will become undeniable as these lines of Love and Light become visible and all of life is seen as an expansion of the heart of the Creator and the Love that is at the core of all of life and at the heart of all of Creation.

So look with joy and hope and a heart filled with gratitude as this opportunity becomes a reality, as the Great Awakening opens hearts, minds, and spirits to the truth of All That Is and to the truth of our divine heritage as co-creators with Mother-Father God.

You are magnificent. You are beautiful. You are perfect just as you are. Know that you know. Know that you are everything you desire to be and that you are a co-creator of the planet of Love, joy, and peace that you long for.

Everything lies within your own heart. Know it, claim it, live it. Bless yourself and all others with the Love that you are as a part of the heart of the Creator.

In great joy, I, Teran, and my band of angels offer you our Love and our hands as you make this choice to be the Love that you already are and to create the New World that you imagine, manifesting the world that you imagine into reality.

Live each moment in gratitude. See beyond the chaos, the destruction, the fear, the violence, knowing that you have the power as a son or daughter of God to bring in the new consciousness through your choices based upon the Love and truth of who you are as a child of, and a co-creator with, God.

Hey Ho See, we are One. Hey Ho Sha, we are Love.

Take shelter in the peace, the joy, and the Love that are within your own heart as the journey into the Light continues. Welcome the fires of transformation and transmutation, and the Mother Earth for which you long will rise as the Phoenix rises from the ashes – a new life, a New World.