By Teran with Sulara


March 21st, 2018

Yes, Happy Spring to you, dear Sister of the Light! As this is the time of rebirth, you and many others have been experiencing a rebirth, for it is that time upon your planet when the old foundations must crumble, the old, outdated ways of living and functioning upon Mother Earth must be cleared, washed away, so to speak, to make way for new life, a new way of being.

The darkness, the fear, the chaos, the heinous acts of violence have been growing steadily. But the old way of being, the illusions that no longer serve, are being brought into the Light for all whose hearts and eyes are open to see the truth. That truth is that this planet and all of life upon her, and all of life in all realms and in all dimensions has been created by our Mother-Father God in Love and for Love.

While each spirit has been given the divine gift of free will choice, many of those choices have created discord, disharmony, chaos and confusion upon and surrounding the Earth. While all things are of God and life is an exploration of free will choice, and all roads lead back into the Light, the journey and exploration of darkness has come to a point on your planet which must implode upon itself.

This implosion is inevitable, as the illusion cannot and will not continue to build indefinitely. The illusion and forces of darkness are at the point of creating destruction on many levels, and in the process are also creating a New World, a new way of being. This implosion will help create and facilitate a Great Awakening when Mother Earth and the hearts of humankind can no longer tolerate the fear, the chaos, the violence any longer.

When critical mass of the illusion and fear can no longer be supported, and enough hearts turn to the Light and to the Creator in humbleness, asking for an end to the pain of illusion, the Light and Love of the Creator will create an opening in the hearts of all who are willing to open to the truth of Love – the truth that all is created in Love, that each and every heart is filled with this Love and this Light and is a part of the heart of the Creator.

All of those who so choose will take part in the Great Awakening and become co-creators of the New Earth, a reality where Love, Truth, Peace, Joy, Hope, and Compassion rule, where illusion and darkness can no longer exist. The truth of our divine heritage and our blessings as co-creators with Mother-Father God will be revealed.

This point is approaching rapidly. There is nothing to fear. There is only Joy, Love, and Peace to be claimed as children of God. Those who so choose may continue to dwell in the darkness and in illusion, in fear, violence, and chaos. But many eyes and hearts will be opened in the days and the months ahead to the truth that all of life is One, created in and for Love, and that truth may be claimed at any time.

The heavens and all beings of Love and Light are preparing to guide all those who choose Love into the light of the New Earth. This is a time to go into your heart and connect with the truth of who you are as a son or a daughter of God and as a co-creator given the precious gift of life and all the blessings and gifts of that divine heritage.

There is great celebration and joy here in these realms as the time of the Great Awakening approaches. Have no fear. You will be guided every step of the way. You and all who choose to open to the Love that they are will join together in community and celebration as this choice manifests in a new reality, a New Earth that has Love, Peace, Joy, Compassion, Community, and Cooperation as its foundation. As the old crumbles, the new reality will be created.

Go into your hearts now. Go into your hearts every day, claiming the truth of who you are as a child of God, given free will choice and the gift of co-creation. Know that everything is unfolding in the perfect way, in divine timing, leading to a New World, leading to the blessing of the Great Awakening where each and every soul, each and every heart is given the opportunity to choose Love over fear, freedom over illusion, peace and goodwill over violence and hatred.

Celebrate the beauty of your own spirit as a part of the heart of the Creator. See with the eyes of the eagle, with the clarity and perspective that everything is leading to this Awakening and to the opportunity to claim who you truly are as a child of God and co-creator with All That Is.

Do not mourn the old, but look with joyful anticipation to the new, to that which you yourselves envision and have asked for. Celebrate this spring the new life that lies ahead for all who choose Love and choose to create a planet based upon that foundation of Love, Light, Truth, Joy, and Hope which is the Creator Herself.

The time is here. Know that everything you have hoped for is a reality that is created as you choose Love. Go into your hearts and connect with the Love, Joy, Peace, and Beauty that you already are as a part of the crystal of Love and Light that is the Creator.

You may choose all the gifts that are your divine right, your divine inheritance now by proclaiming:

“I AM the Love and the Light of the Creator.”

“I AM the Joy of the Creator.”

“I AM the Peace of the Creator.”

In this way, you choose and you prepare to take part in the Great Awakening, a blessing beyond your imagination.

Many are bringing this message forth, as are we, Teran and my band of angels. We are here at your side, welcoming you into the beauty and the paradise and into the Heaven that you already are, that you already have within your own heart as you connect with the Creator within.

There is truly nothing you have to learn. There is truly nothing you have to change except to claim the truth of who you already are as a child of God. Claim this truth, claim this Love, and you will be led by legions and legions of angels into the new reality for which you long. For that reality already exists within your own heart as a part of the heart of the Creator.

You are perfect just as you are and deserving of every blessing and every joy you can imagine. The time is here. The time is now. Stand in the power of Love within your own heart, knowing that within your heart lies the answer to every question. And that answer is Love. Choose Love.

Love yourself unconditionally, without judgment, without fear. Love all of life, knowing that we are all One, created by and in the Love of the Creator. Honor the free will choice of all others, knowing that you are responsible only for yourself and your own choices.

By choosing Love, you are choosing freedom… the freedom to free your own spirit from illusion and the freedom to co-create the New Earth for which you long, and which is even more beautiful than you can imagine.

We are here for you. Go into the Light and the Love within your own heart and allow that Love and that Light to guide you home into the Great Awakening and a planet built on the only true and lasting foundation – Love, Peace, and Joy.

Live each moment in the present, knowing that you are guided every step of the way by your own heart, by the Creator, and by His angels. Everything is in divine order. Hold this truth in your heart, in complete trust and faith that your heart will lead the way home to Heaven. For Heaven is within your own heart, as a part of the Creator. And choosing Love is the answer to every question and the key to creating the New Earth for which you long, and that you yourself are creating as a co-creator with Mother-Father God.

Be at peace. Thank you for opening your hearts and allowing our hearts to connect as One, as together we step into this new adventure, this New Earth.

Hey Ho See, we are One.

Hey Ho Sha, we are Love.





January 10th, 2018

Blessings, daughter of the Light. We are honored to be called upon to bring a message of hope, joy, and Love into the Earth plane with your loving assistance for this New Year, 2018.

As we have said in past, great changes lie just ahead for the planet, as many preparations have been made and many events have transpired to prepare the children of God upon Mother Earth to accept those gifts which are being offered and will continue to be offered as a part of the Great Awakening, that opportunity for all those who choose to open their hearts to claim the truth of their divine heritage as Children of God.

These gifts which are being offered in preparation for this momentous time are present now for those who have already claimed their divine heritage of Love as a part of the heart of the Creator. For some have already claimed the truth of their divine natures, and more and more will open their hearts to the gifts that the Waves of Light and Love are bringing in to assist in this Great Awakening and the creation of the New Earth, where joy, Love, peace, and compassion fill those who so choose to open their hearts to the truth of who they are as children of, and co-creators with, the Creator.

Many hearts have been opened by a number of tragic events that have taken place in the recent past and that will continue to assist in opening many eyes and hearts to the truth of who and what they are as children of God, divine sparks of light who through their free will choice may co-create the planet, the New World, the New Earth for which they long.

Many gifts and blessings have been claimed as many eyes, spiritual eyes, have been opened to truly what is important in life through these challenges that have been met by many all over the planet. Many have realized that the foundations upon which they have depended and believed were true have crumbled, revealing the truth of what truly matters in life. Those whose choices in their lives have been based upon illusion have seen and will continue to see through these challenging events and experiences the truth of their responsibility in co-creating the world around them, that they are not victims, but divine children of God who reflect what is within their hearts into the world around them. Those who take responsibility for their free will choices rather than believing they are victims will be the co-creators of the New World for which they long.

The events of particularly the past year and those that lie ahead in 2018 will separate the wheat from the chaff, so to speak. Those who choose to open their hearts to the truth that Love is the answer to each choice and each question as to the best actions in life are those who will gather together in community to step into the new reality, the New Earth together to live together in the realization that they are One with all of life and responsible through their free will choices to create a planet based upon Love and Peace.

Those who open their hearts to the Love that they are as children of God and to the Oneness of all of life will be blessed with more beauty, light, Love, and joy than they can imagine as they join together in the Great Awakening to claim their divine heritage and the gifts that await them as they open their hearts to Love and the truth that all of life is a spark of the Creator, created in, for, and with Love by God/Goddess, with the divine right to co-create what they envision and long for as children of God with the gift of free will choice.

The Great Awakening and the opportunity to choose Love as the foundation for life upon the New Earth is just around the corner. Each and every human has the right to choose to take part in this co-creation of the New Earth through exercising their right of free will choice. What lies ahead for those who open their hearts to the Love that they are and to the truth of their Oneness with all of life is glorious beyond all imagining. There is nothing to fear and a whole new reality to gain as you go into your heart of hearts and claim the Love that you are as a Son or a Daughter of God.

There are bands and bands of angels gathering in the heavens and even stepping into the Earth at the ready to lead the way, to serve as beacons of Love and Light as the time of the Great Awakening approaches and is made manifest.

As we have said in past, each person upon the Earth has the right of free will choice which is not judged. All are loved equally by Mother-Father God. Those who make choices based upon the illusion and habits to which they cling have that right to remain upon an Earth where darkness, violence, chaos, and confusion reign. Those who are ready to choose and co-create a planet where Love, Light, Joy, and Compassion reign will step into the Light, guided by God’s angels and servants of the Light.

This is the time, the year that you have been waiting for. It is a time when those who choose Love will be gathered together in the heart of the Creator to claim all that they are, all the gifts that are their divine heritage as children of the Goddess.

So fear not. Know that Love is the answer. Know that you are everything you need to be, everything you long to be, and that that truth will set you free. The choice for Love through every free will choice and opportunity will set you free. Love is the answer to every question.

Claiming the love that you are will open your heart to the stars and to the reality that you are a shining star, a twinkle in God’s eye, a sparkle in the Goddess’s heart. This gift of the Great Awakening is always offered to each and every soul who chooses Love. So go within your heart of hearts and claim the truth that you are Love. That you can, and deserve to, live a life of joy upon a planet that has as its foundation Love, Peace, and Joy. With each decision, make that choice and take that action that fills your heart with Love, that brings joy to your heart.

You, and only you, know your true path of joy. Choose according to that truth within your heart. Choose to live every moment of your life in gratitude for your precious gift of life which you have received as a spark of the Creator.

Treat yourself and all others with the care and love of one who knows herself to be a precious drop in the Ocean of Love that Goddess is. Choose to see the Love of God reflected in your own eyes and in your heart, and in the eyes and the heart of every living thing. Know that you are loved and guided each step of the way upon this path home to the heart of God, home into your own heart which is within the heart of the Creator.

The time that you have hoped for and dreamed of and that you have been waiting for is upon us. Follow your dreams and follow your heart. Follow the path of Light which awaits you that leads to a new beginning, a New Earth created upon the foundation of Love, the Love of All That Is.

All of the heavens and angels and servants of the Light are standing by to assist you in the Great Awakening as you choose to claim the truth of who you are as children of, and co-creators with The Goddess. You can live in heaven upon Earth as you realize that heaven exists within your own heart, created as you choose Love and claim the Love that you are as a part of the Flame, the Light and the Love, that the Creator is.

See each challenge that lies ahead as a blessing and an opportunity to open your eyes, your spiritual eyes, and your heart to the Love that you are as a child of God. Gratitude is the key to claiming the Love and the Joy that you are as a co-creator with Mother-Father God.

We are with you always… I, Teran, and my band of angels, here with outstretched hands to help lead you into the Light of who you already are. We are honored to guide you, serve you, and love you at this momentous time of the fulfillment of the Promise and claiming all that you are, all that you can be as a divine child of God.


Hey Ho See, we are One.

Hey Ho Sha, we are Love.



Winter Solstice, December 21st, 2017.

Blessings, dear one. And we are honored to come forth during this very sacred time of celebration of Unconditional Love and this time of honoring and celebrating our Brother Jesus and the Christ Spirit, and the celebration of the manifestation of the Christ Spirit in the physical form as the man known as Jesus.

As you know, the Christ Spirit, the Spirit of Unconditional Love, has manifested many other times in the Earth plane to bring the Creator’s message of Love and Oneness to many, in many different forms. The message is the same, while the messengers have many different faces and names. For Love is the message that touches the hearts and spirits of many different peoples in many places all over the world.

It matters not if one believes that the man Jesus walked the Earth bringing the Creator’s message of Love, Light, Truth, and Oneness. And it matters not if one is not familiar with Buddha, Mohammed, Amelius, or Jesus. What matters is the Truth that the gift of Love comes to all of humankind and all manner of forms in many different realities. What matters is that the sons and daughters of God know that they are Love, that they are created by God/Goddess in Love, out of Love, and to be blessed by the Love that they are as a part of the heart of the Creator.

All of life as created by Mother-Father God has the gift of free will, has the gift of life and Light, and has the gift of intelligence, though that intelligence may not be known or understood by other forms of Light throughout all of creation. The core essence of all of life is Unconditional Love. Each form of life is a spark of the Creator, a facet of the crystal of Light, Love, Joy, and Peace which is the Creator.

All of life is created as the heart of God/Goddess expands Her Love into infinite forms. This crystal of Love which is the Creator is ever expanding, contracting, and creating. Everything that is created has as its core the Flame of Love which is the Creator. All intelligent life is created with the inherent right of free will choice and the gift of co-creation. The most important aspect of this truth to understand is that all of life, every aspect of the jewels of the Crown of the Creator, is all from that source of all of life, All That Is, and is like a drop of water in the Ocean of Life which is the Creator of All.

Each spark of life is part of the Oneness of the Flame of All That Is. And each spark of the Creator’s Love is honored, loved, and blessed equally as a part of the One Heart of God/Goddess. All forms of life and intelligence and co-creation are honored as a part of the Oneness and are connected. All is Mana, Life Force, the energy of all of life, a part of the Creator. All are connected in Oneness with Love, as all of life is created in and from Love. Each spark of life is a precious part of the Love which is Mother-Father God.

I, Teran, and my band of angels, while we exist in all realms and all realities as a part of the Love of God, connected with all of life in all forms, are especially blessed to focus our love, our guidance, our wisdom, our gifts of Love upon those of you living upon, within, and around Mother Earth at this very sacred, very magnificent time upon the planet – the time of the Promise, the Great Awakening, and co-creation of the New World, or the New Earth.

As has been spoken of many times by us and others, the Great Awakening is that opportunity for all souls upon, around, and about Mother Earth, whether in physical body or spirit form, to claim their inherent rights as children of God, of accepting the truth of their Oneness with the Creator and all of life. It is that time when through the Creator’s gift of free will choice, all of humankind and those who have lived upon the Earth and are now in spirit form, may choose to accept the fullness of their gifts from the Creator and the knowing that they are a part of Mother-Father God as His children.

The Promise specifically speaks to that promise made by the Christ Spirit in the form of Jesus the man, that He would return once again in physical form upon the Earth to lead those who so choose, into the light of Love, home into the heart of the Creator which dwells within their own heart of hearts as a part of the Spirit of Love, from which they have never been separated.

But one may choose to, or choose not to, accept this truth and the experience of conscious awakening of Oneness with God and all of life as a part of the Great Awakening. One need not believe in Jesus or desire to follow the man known as Jesus, embodying the Christ Spirit, to be a part of the Great Awakening. All that is required is the desire to claim the Love within as a part of the Creator and the desire to claim all of the inherent gifts as a part of the Love that is the Creator. Claiming or desiring to claim the Love of the Creator and the desire to be Love, act in and out of Love, and choose Love are the only requirements of accepting the fullness of the Love of one’s spirit as a son or a daughter of God.

Those who choose to follow Jesus as an embodiment of the Creator’s Love, as the Son of God, will be so blessed through the fulfillment of His Promise to return to Mother Earth to lead the way into the Light, into the heart of God. The Creator is Love. Jesus has chosen to be the embodiment of the Christ Spirit, which is Love. Each man, woman, child, and every form of life is Love, created by Love, All That Is.

It is a glorious time upon and about the Earth, and this sacred day, the day of the Winter Solstice, is a sacred time when the Light within, if one so chooses, and the light reflected without in the Earth plane, begin their journey into the fullness of the Light. As this light grows, you are given as a part of the coming Promise and Great Awakening, the opportunity to claim the fullness of the Light and the Love that you are as a part of the heart of the Creator, as a child of God, created of and by the Love which is the Creator.

So as the time of the celebration of the birth of Jesus approaches, celebrate His life and all that means to you, or celebrate Love in any form you choose. Celebrate your life as a son or a daughter of God, celebrate this unique and glorious time of the opportunity to choose the Love that you truly are as a drop in the ocean of Love that God is.

Open your hearts to the special blessings of Love that are being offered now at this sacred time. Open your hearts to yourselves, to each other, and to all of life in Oneness and as a part of the One Heart of the Goddess.

We, Teran and my band of angels, and legions and legions of angels and spirits of Love and Light, in infinite forms are singing our Love, your Love, and the Love of the Creator into your hearts and minds in joyous celebration of this Season of Love and the Return of the Light, in whatever form you choose to accept this Love, Light, Joy, and Peace which is the Creator.

Shalom, and may the blessings of the Christ and every form of Love be yours as you open your hearts to accept these gifts from Mother-Father God, the Spirit of Love and Creation.

Hey Ho See, we are One.

Hey Ho Sha, we are Love.

And so be it.



December 11th, 2017.

Blessings, daughter of the Light. Yes, what you are feeling is a Wave of Light being brought in to prepare for, and assist in, the Great Awakening. This Wave of Light is being brought in specifically by the Elders, those spirits of Love & Light who have much experience and knowledge of life in the Earth, having served on the planet through many lifetimes, and who now serve at the side of the Creator specifically to assist those in and about the Earth.

The Elders are able to walk in the Earth in spirit form to assist in certain works. Their love and their dedication to Mother Earth and all of life upon her is sacrosanct. Their familiarity with life upon the Earth is especially helpful when assisting those upon the planet who need special assistance with moving through the mass mind consciousness to gain the clarity that they need in preparation for important decisions and choices related to their divine soul blueprint at this momentous time of the Great Awakening upon the Earth.

As you know, there have been many Waves of Light entering into the Earth for quite a while now to assist especially those who are preparing the way for this ascension of Mother Earth and all of life upon her who choose to leave behind those things, those ways of being, those illusions in the Earth which do not support the Creator’s gifts of Love, Joy, and Peace. While all have free will choice, those who choose to co-create the New Earth will be assisted in this ascension, leaving the 3rd dimensional Earth and all those who choose to stay amidst the darkness, the illusion, the violence, the competition, the greed, and all those things that do not support a planet of Peace, Joy, Hope, Light, Unconditional Love, and Oneness.

You and those reading or hearing this message have opened your hearts to the truth of who you are as Sons and Daughters of God, have opened your hearts to the truth of Oneness and connection with all of life as sparks of the Creator. Through your inherent gifts of co-creation and free will choice, you have chosen to leave behind the darkness and illusion so rampant upon Mother Earth now to assist in creating a New World, the New Earth where life is based upon cooperation, compassion, joy, and peace, where all are connected heart to heart by Love and their knowledge of their divine nature as children of God.

So this Wave of Light is felt by many who have so chosen, and affects all upon the Earth, but most specifically those of you who have dedicated yourselves to serve the Light and Mother-Father God. This Wave of Light of 12/12 will assist in catapulting those of you who have dedicatedly done your work, faced your shadows and illusions, and left the energies that no longer serve you and truth, behind.

This Wave of Light, lovingly brought to you by many in the heavenly realms, most particularly the Elders, will assist in all this clearing, cleansing, and purification that you have willingly been about – a final sweep, so to say, of those beliefs that no longer serve you and no longer have any place in your energy fields, have no place in the humans upon the New Earth.

So congratulate yourselves for all your hard work and dedication, for opening your hearts to the Love that you are as a part of the Creator, for opening your hearts to the Truth of Oneness with all of life, and take a deep breath, a deep sigh of relief as you move ahead into the Light of what can be upon this New Earth, of what can be claimed as children of God who have chosen to walk upon the path of Light, that path offered and guided by the Creator Herself, assisted by Her army of Light soldiers bringing in so much Love and Light that the darkness, the illusion, is either touched and accepts the Light, or retreats through its free will choice to continue to inhabit the planet where darkness and illusion rule.

While one may choose not to move forward and ascend with the New Earth, this Wave of Light is always offered as one grows through their choices and gains knowledge which leads to the opening of their hearts to who they truly are as children of God. Many of you will assist these who choose to stay upon their present paths as they learn to choose Love and claim their inherent gifts and rights as children of God.

So celebrate this step upon the path of Light, this path which leads to humans claiming fully who they are and choosing to co-create the New Earth for which they long – one where love, not fear… true joy, not sorrow… abundance, not lack… peace and cooperation, not violence.. Oneness with all living things, not separation rule, providing the foundation of life.

I, Teran, and my band of angels are here to assist as you open your hearts to receive these gifts, these Waves of Light and Love brought to you directly to assist you in this Great Awakening. There is nothing to fear. Know that you are loved, that you are guided every step of the way. Know that all is in divine order.

Celebrate these blessings and those that await you as you choose Love with each and every decision and each and every step upon your path of Light. Know that you know. Know that you are guided by the wisdom and Love within your own hearts as Children of God.

Special greetings of Love to you from the Elders and those who bring you this gift of Love, this gift of Light, this gift of opening your hearts to the truth of who you truly are as jewels upon the crown of the Creator, the diamond crystal of Love, Light, Joy, and Peace more brilliant than you are able to imagine.

You are Love, you are Light, you are Peace, you are Joy. Believe it. Know it. Claim it. Live it.

Hey Ho See, we are One.

Hey Ho Sha, we are Love.

Thank you for having the courage to stay the course and co-create the New Earth that you imagine and for which you long, for which you have so diligently worked and prepared for by choosing Love.





September 30th, 2017

Good morning, Sulara, and blessings. We are grateful to you for your willingness to serve as our voice, the Voice of Oneness. For it is a magnificent time in the history of your planet Mother Earth, a time like no other, where each spirit is given the opportunity to claim all of the gifts that are offered and are inherently theirs as beloved children of God, created in the Creator’s own image, each as a microcosm of the Creator, afforded gifts of free will choice and co-creation as a part of the heart of the Creator.

And that time that has been spoken of and foretold for eons has now arrived, in all of its glory. These shifts and changes, both for Mother Earth herself and every living thing upon her, are part of a magnificent process. And we do recognize and affirm that it is also a very challenging and sometimes confusing time.

For the energies that are being brought in to assist in this vibratory level shift for Mother Earth and all of life upon her are bringing up all patterns of belief and being, old patterns of emotional shadows as a part of the preparation for a new way of being, for a New Earth and a New Human, as well as new patterns for every kind of life on the planet. For all of life is being prepared and being given the choice as to whether or not they choose to ascend with the Earth into a vibratory form in which all of their gifts as a part of the Creator are claimed in their fullness.

As we have said, there is no judgment from these heavenly realms or from the Creator Herself. It is an opportunity that is being offered with an open hand and an open heart by Mother-Father God. Those who are guided to accept this opportunity will be blessed beyond measure.

While the preparation for the Great Awakening is quite challenging for many, and in fact, painful for some as eyes and hearts are opened to the truth of what is important in this life, the gifts that are offered and accepted through each person’s free will choice are magnificent beyond imagination. Hearts will be opened to the truth of your God-given rights and abilities with which you were created as a reflection, a microcosm of the Creator Herself.

These gifts are the very core energy of the Creator. These are the gifts of Love, Light, Compassion, Joy, Peace, and the full realization of Oneness with all of life – each other and all of creation, including all of life upon Mother Earth, all of the elements, all of life in the cosmos and all realms and all of existence. All of life is filled with Mana, the life force of all of creation, All That Is.

All of life shares the beauty, the glory, and the gifts of Mother-Father God simply by the acceptance of these gifts with an open heart and mind. Both are needed for humans as these gifts are offered, for many of these gifts are in this present moment beyond your comprehension. What is needed is an open heart, open mind, and trust in the Goddess, the Creator of All. Trust and faith that all is unfolding as it is meant to, that all of the challenges and discomfort are well worth what is the most magnificent, the grandest opportunity ever offered to God’s children.

Know that as you open your heart to this Great Awakening, you are completely safe in the heart and in the hands of Mother-Father God. Have no fear, for there is nothing to fear as you accept these gifts. We, Teran and this band of angels, as well as legions and legions of angels are here, ready and willing to take your hands and guide you from the present darkness that abounds upon your planet, into the Light and the blessings that await you as you claim your Oneness with all of life and the Creator and claim your gifts as a part of Unconditional Love.

You are a jewel in the crown of the Creator, a magnificent, powerful spirit of Love and Light. And in this time of the Great Awakening and the creation of the New World, the New Earth, you are being blessed, if you so choose through your open hearts, open minds, and free will choice, to accept the fullness of your beings and spirits as sons and daughters of God.

You may claim these gifts, and as you so do, you will be guided, you will be safe, you will be lifted into the Light and the Love of the fullness of your own hearts as created by God/Goddess, as a part of All That Is.

We come to you bearing this joyful message, as the Voice of Oneness, as those angels and guardian spirits who have chosen to remain at the side of the Creator and as those who have chosen to help lead you into the Love and the Light of your own spirits as a part of the heart of the Creator.

We will guide you and keep you safe as you choose to claim your inherent rights and your inherent gifts, as you open your wings and fly upon the wings of God/Goddess into the Light and Love, into the understanding and clarity and reality of the Oneness of all of life.

So be of good cheer, even as all around you seems to be crumbling. For the old must fall for hearts and minds to be opened to the truth and to this opportunity. The old foundations must give way to a new way of being, based upon the truth of Love, Light, Brother/Sisterhood, Oneness, and the interrelationship of all of life.

As we have said, the choice to remain in the illusion, in the fear, in the violence, and in the darkness will be honored with no judgment, only Love, with the understanding that God’s gift of free will choice is always honored with only the greatest of love and compassion and in the knowledge that as one’s eyes and hearts are opened to truth, love, and light, there is always the opportunity to choose in any given moment the Great Awakening and the New Earth, where Love, Joy, Peace, Light and Oneness prevail, with each spirit living together in the new reality of unity and honoring all of life as the precious sparks of the Creator that they truly are.

We are honored to bring you this message of hope this day. Go into your hearts with the strength and the courage that lie within your heart of hearts as one who has chosen to be a part of the creation of this New World, as one who knows themselves to be at One with God, as one who honors all of life created by Love and in Love.

Gather together in joy and hopefulness for the glory and the blessings that await you as children of God choosing love and joy over fear, and peace and kindness over violence. Breathe in Love, breathe out Trust. Breathe in Joy, breathe out Compassion. Breathe in Mana, breathe out Peace.

We are here with you as you step into the light and the love of who you truly are, co-creators with Mother-Father God, with free will choice in every moment, as co-creators of the New Earth for which you long in your heart of hearts.

Imagine a world filled with love, joy, peace, and light. Connect with and be that beauty, that glory within your own hearts, and reflect it out, as a co-creator of the New Earth. We are here with you with outstretched hands and as One Heart, supporting you and showing you the way, and loving you as the Creator loves you, each one a precious part of the heart of the Creator.

Hey Ho See, we are One.

Hey Ho Sha, we are Love.

Step forward with peace and joy and hopefulness into the Great Awakening, which is simply claiming who you truly are as beloved children of God.



August 3rd, 2017

Blessings, and we return to this work with you. It has been, and continues to be, an intense time as the energies continue to build, with the added assistance of the coming eclipse energies. These energies are going to help move events upon your planet towards the shift, the change that has been requested in so many minds and hearts.

This turmoil cannot continue indefinitely, but there comes a point wherein those energies which are not in alignment with the good health of the planet and all those upon her must implode on themselves, so to speak. Mother Earth will shake and rattle; there will be burning and flooding and upheavals all across the globe in those places that are not supporting the honoring and blessing of Mother Earth and all of life.

There comes a breaking point in the abuse that Mother Earth will accept and reflect as hearts and minds need to be opened to the truth that Love is the answer. The violence, greed, competition, and fear breed only chaos, violence, and destruction. There comes a point, very soon now, when these changes will be brought in order to effect the change that is needed and so longed for.

Those who are guided by Love and their own hearts have nothing to fear. You will be safe, you will be protected. While you may be inconvenienced as these changes occur, follow your hearts and your guidance, and all will be well. For those whose hearts and minds refuse to be opened to the truth of Oneness with all living things, there will be chaos, hardship, destruction, challenge, and the opportunity to leave the planet to begin again as the lessons have not been learned or heeded. All are given the same opportunities to choose Love over fear, kindness and compassion over violence, truth and justice over dishonesty, and Oneness over separation and competition.

There is a great gathering in the heavens of those of the Light, at the ready to serve all of those whose armor is cracked by the coming events and to serve all those who choose the Light over darkness. There will be a split, a great rent in the heavens, an energetic earthquake, so to speak. And those who choose the darkness will no longer be able to continue to abuse and defile Mother Earth and all of life upon her.

Those who choose Love will be called into the Light and a new reality upon the New Earth, one in which Love, compassion, peace, and joy fill the heart and rule the New Earth.

What can you do to be prepared? Go into your heart, where the only true peace and safety abide. Love yourself, blessing yourself with all the love and kindness that you deserve as a child of the Goddess, created in Her image. Open your heart, mind, and soul to receive the gifts that are offered and needed to move forward into this new reality based on Unconditional Love and the understanding of Oneness, the interrelationship of all of life, where cooperation, Love, compassion, and unity are the new foundation for the New World. Know that you are responsible only for yourself and your joy, treating self and others and all of life with care, kindness, honor, and respect.

These upcoming celestial events bring the energy of change, much needed change which is necessary to create the reality for which you long. Be strong, and gather with your spiritual families to wait out the storms, strong in your unity, supporting a New World founded on the choice for Love. Love heals all things and is the answer to every question. Know that you have the strength, the courage, and the angelic support to move through these events and these changes, protected and safe from the storms.

The Love of the Creator within your hearts is the safe harbor. Your choice to live a life based on Love, peace, Oneness with all of life, truth, honesty, cooperation, and compassion light the way into the New Earth. We here in the heavens are at your side and in your hearts, sharing this journey with you as your guides to the New Earth and to that shift into a new existence. There will also be many on the Earth guiding you, supporting you, reassuring you, and serving as beacons of Light. You are and will be guided and protected.

Know that you have chosen to be a part of this Great Awakening, and it is to be looked forward to with an attitude of joyful anticipation and celebration – nothing to be feared. The more you connect with the Love, the peace, and the joy within your own hearts, the smoother will be the sailing into the New World which you yourselves have asked for and are assisting in creating.

Stand together as One Heart, unified by your choice to be Love, act in Love, seeing these events through eyes of Love and knowing that all is perfect and in alignment with the highest and best for each one, dictated through your free will choices. You may choose freedom and fly on the wings of the Creator’s Love, or you may choose to remain with the familiar. There is no judgment, there is no right or wrong.

Embrace yourself, fill and surround yourself with the Love that you are as a son or a daughter of the Creator. So many gifts and blessings lie ahead for those who choose to release fear and move ahead in faith of the perfection of the events that will separate the wheat from the chaff, so to speak.

Along with our presence, our Love, and guidance through the events ahead, know that all of Nature and all of the elements are supporting you, loving you, and showing you the way. Listen to the song of the wind, the melody of the sweet song of your feathered friends as Mother Earth and all of life upon her join you in Oneness at this magnificent time of the Great Awakening.

All of life is supporting you for your choice to claim who you truly are, co-creators with God/Goddess. All of life is rejoicing and celebrating this opportunity to be as you were created to be, at one with All That Is, at one with Love, joy, and peace which is your inherent right as a child of God. For that Love, that joy, that peace, that heaven for which you long all reside within your own heart. You have only to claim this truth to make the world which you desire a reality.

We are with you on this magnificent journey of Love and Oneness, of claiming all that you are as a co-creator with Mother-Father God. Have no fear and be of good cheer. ReJOYce that the time of the creation of the New Earth is here, just around the corner. All that you have to do is choose Love.

We will continue to be your Voice of Oneness, supporting and loving you and guiding you from the darkness into the Light of your own heart, the heart of God. And so it is.

Hey Ho See, we are One, Hey Ho Sha, we are Love.

Go into that place of peace within your own heart with faith and joy, and it will be smooth sailing into the New Earth, where your spirit will soar upon the wings of Love.





June 4th, 2017

Blessings, and good day! Yes, the energies are escalating – both the light and the dark. And as you have experienced, more souls are crossing over from the Earth plane to these realms to serve from this side of the veil.

God is calling some of His angels home to serve at His side from the heavens, with the angelic host, along with the Light workers there on Mother Earth to prepare the way for the blessings that are rapidly approaching and being brought into the Earth to assist all those souls who are choosing, and will choose, to claim the gifts which the Creator has always offered to His children, but are now being offered in a way that has never occurred before on the planet.

For what is and will be offered is a mass exodus from the darkness which has been so prevalent upon Mother Earth for so very long as the children of Goddess have forgotten their true natures as angelic beings who have never left the Creator’s side, but have chosen to explore their gifts of co-creativity and free will choice upon the planet Earth.

For Mother Earth has always been, and continues to be, a classroom of accelerated learning, a way for souls to grow in their acceptance of their true natures by leaps and bounds if they so choose. Life in the Earth is a classroom and a playground for existential growth and learning. Goddess has allowed Her children complete freedom in their exploration as spirits always connected, never truly lost or denied access to their connection to the Divine. However, so many have become lost in the drama, losing their clear sight and perspective of themselves as spirits, facets of the jewel of Love that the Creator is, having a human experience yet aware of their divine connection and inheritance.

As we have said before, Laarkmaa, part of our team of Light, likes to say that even the dark serves the light. For as the dark rears its (what some may say, ugly) head, the light becomes more obvious and shines more brightly. There is so much darkness – acts of violence, greed, fear, and heinous actions of all kinds – that only the least awake spirits are not being spurred to actions that counteract these atrocities. Thus, even the dark serves the light.

And not only there, on Mother Earth, but in the realms just above the Earth, where many “lost” souls reside, fingers of light are reaching those souls who have been stuck sometimes for eons of Earth time and who have been actively fighting to preserve their ignorance and habits which feed the darkness.

Even these souls that have been the vanguard of the darkness are being touched more and more by the light and are opening to the opportunities that are being presented to them by the Light workers, both in the Earth and in these realms, to give up the fight, to surrender to what their hearts truly desire. They have denied themselves through fear and belief in the illusions that have tethered them to the darkness.

Yes, the Great Awakening is affecting all realms and may even be termed a “Renaissance of the Light,” a return to that pure state in which humanity began their journeys into the Earth and other realms to explore and expand their gifts of free will choice and co-creation. Renaissance: a renewal, a remembering at the core of their spirits and their hearts, the truth of their divine natures as children of Goddess.

All roads lead home to the heart of the Creator. As so many have explored the darkness to their hearts’ content, and ultimately what they have determined to be dissatisfaction, so many souls have decided and are deciding to return home to the truth of their divinity as facets of the jewel of the Creator, which is Love.

Yes, what lies ahead is a mass exodus from the darkness into the Light, into the truth of humankind’s beginnings as angels of the Light, serving at the Creator’s side. Each and every soul upon the Earth remains a spirit of Love, Light, Joy, Peace, and Compassion with the freedom to return to God’s side, at One with that Love which is the true source of their lives and their creation.

All are in preparation, there in the Earth as you experience events to open your eyes and your hearts to this truth of your angelic source, and here in the heavens, as we prepare the way for waves upon waves of Love and Hope that are being offered to humankind through God’s grace.

You yourselves have asked for this, tired of the fear, violence, and illusion which have become so commonplace, so prevalent, upon the Earth. So many hearts are opening to the truth, as the light within these hearts is seeking and demanding to live in the reflection of truth within their hearts, which is Love, which is Light, which is Joy, which is Peace.

All have the choice to be done with their explorations and expansion of darkness, and have the power to choose what is their divine, inalienable right as co-creators and children of God. The heavens are rejoicing, singing as they help prepare the way for this mass claiming, the mass acceptance of this divine gift of Grace from All That Is. None who choose to claim the Love that they are will be left behind.

All who choose to remain in darkness, fear, and illusion will be honored and not judged. Isn’t President Trump doing an excellent job of being an example of one who is lost in illusion and serves fear and ignorance? He is a catalyst for the Light; he is playing his part, proving that even the darkness serves the Light – an Academy Award-winning performance. So rather than vilify and judge – yes, while yet continuing to be spurred to action to support Light and Love, find it in yourself to see with the eyes of the eagle and be grateful to this soul who is playing his part to ultimately serve the Light and open the eyes of many who have been lost in illusion, to the truth of their divine heritage.

Think not for one moment that all is lost for humanity and Mother Earth. Trust in the perfection of the Universe and in the events which are leading the way back home for so many to the Light, to the core of their own hearts as part of the heart of the Creator.

Act out of Love, for Love, in Love with every choice you make, without judgment, but knowing that all is unfolding exactly as is needed for the Great Awakening, this Renaissance, this return to our true heritage as angels, as a part of Mother-Father God. The return to Love, Light, Hope, and Joy – to the freedom and beauty which is yours, which is offered to all who claim the truth of who they are as brilliant sparks of the Creator’s goodness, Light, and Love.

“Judge not, lest ye be judged.” But find shelter from the storm as the darkness fights to remain in ignorance and illusion. Find refuge within the peace of your own heart of hearts. Go within and dwell in the heart of the Creator. Find sustenance, peace, and joy within the heart of the Goddess, which is within your own heart.

Your heart, your mind, your soul are all part of the Love from which all of life is created. Nourish every part of self which expands this Love. Be kind, gentle, compassionate and loving to self, all others, and all of life as part of the Oneness, the precious gift of life which is yours as a co-creator with All That Is.

Hey Ho See, we are One. Hey Ho Sha, we are Love.

Live your life with passion and with joy in the awareness of this Divine Truth.

May peace prevail in each and every heart, reflecting and creating the reality and life of Love upon the New Earth which you desire and deserve. And so be it.

I, Teran, and my band of angels continue to serve at your side during this Great Awakening, this Renaissance of Love.


April 13th, 2017

Greetings! And we are happy to come forth at this time to bring our message of love, support, and encouragement this day in the spirit of Love and Oneness and Joy. Thank you for serving as our voice, the Voice of Oneness.

As you are feeling, the energies are building – the energies of change, the energies of the shift which approaches, the energies of the Promise, the New Earth, and the Great Awakening. Many are now awakening, or on the verge of awakening to the truth of existence, to the realization that all upon Mother Earth are children of the Creator, created in Her image, which simply means that each of you has received the gift of Life as a co-creator with free will choice.

There are so many who do not take responsibility for their choices and the result, the consequences, of those choices. Many blame others, project their own fears and failures upon others. There are those who feel that they are victims, that they have no choice, that they are not responsible for the reality of their lives and the world which they have co-created with others. They make choices based on fear, which blinds them to the truth and the light. It seems that they have lost the connection to their own hearts and to Source.

They have lost their way. But no one is truly lost. We are always connected to Source, even if we are not aware of it or acknowledge it. In each and every moment, there is the opportunity to see through eyes of Love, to make choices based on Love and the truth that we are all One, created in the Love of All That Is, Father-Mother God. There are coming many opportunities for those who have lost their way, have forgotten the truth of their creation as a part of All That Is, who have forgotten that the source, the substance, the energy of all of life is Love. We are all a part of the Creator. We are all One, all blessed with the opportunity to create a life and a planet based on choices of Love, Joy, Peace, and Compassion, which is reflected outward into the world as a result of those choices.

You who are reading or hearing these words have been attracted to our messages because you are aware of these truths. You have not forgotten your divine inheritance. Our reminders, the truth that we bring to you, are serving to open your hearts more fully to these truths which have been veiled at times as a result of your journeys into the third dimensional reality, which you have chosen in order to explore the nature of your co-creativity. This is the gift which the Creator has granted through giving you life – the ability to explore fully your gifts of free will choice and co-creativity.

All roads eventually lead Home, into the heart of God. As a son or daughter of God, you have the freedom to create your life and your reality as an artist creates from a palette of infinite colors and materials, onto a blank canvas. But is it truly a blank canvas? While in each incarnation you have the opportunity to create anew, you bring with you old programming, old memories, old beliefs from other lifetimes which do color that canvas. So before you even begin, you are painting through veils, or layers of illusion that have been brought forward into this present reality, this journey here upon Mother Earth.

This present moment upon the planet is that time which has been foretold, when all of your incarnations are converging into this present moment to afford you the opportunity to truly begin anew, fresh and clean, free from that baggage, those illusions, those veils which have hidden the truth of your divine nature as a child of God. Those of you who have chosen this lifetime to take advantage of this gift, this opportunity presented by the Goddess Herself, have been experiencing those emotions, those shadows which have hidden the true light of your divine soul, your divine heritage.

As you find yourself overwhelmed, overreacting to experiences in the Earth with emotions that seems out of proportion, know that those old shadows and illusions which have been buried for sometimes what you would term eons, through many lifetimes, are coming to the surface to be cleared so that the truth and the purity of your spirit can be revealed, honored, and freed. You are being given, through your own choices based on love, the blessing of God’s grace. That grace is the gift of seeing those truths which you have been blind to as a result of these burdens, this baggage which is being brought forward.

This is the time when all is being brought into the light to be seen through eyes of love, light, truth, and clarity. And through your acknowledgement, forgiveness, courage, and choices to release these energies that no longer serve your highest and greatest good, you are being given a clean slate, a clean canvas upon which to create a life based on the gifts which are your divine inheritance from the Creator.

Events that lie ahead will bring the opportunity for many to see with clarity the truth that all are created in Love and that all are co-creators with the Divine, with the responsibility of free will choice and co-creation of their lives and the creation of the consciousness that is reflected outward into the Earth.

None are judged, all are loved equally by the Creator and the guides and angels who are assisting at this time of the Great Awakening. As we have said, all roads lead home to the heart of the Creator. Those who choose to make choices based on fear and illusion are always afforded the right of free will choice and the opportunity to see through eyes of love and choose the path of love. Those who choose darkness, fear, and violence are loved no less. And they are never truly lost. They may have strayed from the path of love and light, but they are always a part of the heart of God, possessing that Flame of Love which may be dimmed or fanned by their choices. The opportunity to choose love always remains, and one may always step upon that path of Light, Love, Hope, and Joy if they so choose.

We are here with you today to tell you that great blessings await you, as you have chosen to acknowledge the truth of your divine heritage, your Oneness with the Creator and all of life. You, as a part of the Promise and the Great Awakening, will be given the gift of the Goddess’s grace as she calls out to you, all of Her children, to follow the Love, the Light, the Hope, and the Joy within your own hearts, to begin anew, to create a reality based upon acknowledging the truth of your existence as a co-creator with the Divine, by claiming the Love that you are.

This is a special and a sacred time to many upon the Earth who celebrate the man Jesus as he demonstrated the power of Love and the truth that there is no death. The spirit lives on eternally, as a part of the heart of the Creator. There is no death, simply the transition into other forms. The spirit is eternal, as is the Creator, as is all of life. All of life is One, all of life is a part of the heart of the Goddess. Love never dies.

For those of you who celebrate the man Jesus and the gifts that He brought into the Earth and who celebrate Easter as a special and sacred time, we ask you to open your hearts to the special gifts and blessings that this time of celebration brings to you through the Christ Spirit. This is a time when the grace of God is being brought not only to those who celebrate Love in the form of the man known as Jesus, but to all who choose to follow their hearts and make choices based on love, for love, and through love.

All are being brought at this time the opportunity to release the burdens that have been weighing them down, which will allow your spirits the freedom to fly, the freedom to claim more fully the gifts of Love, Light, Joy, and Peace that are yours as a child of God, no matter what your beliefs.

As you choose to claim the truth of your Love and Light as a creation of and a co-creator with All That Is, so shall your hearts be opened to blessings beyond your present comprehension and belief. I, Teran, and my band of angels are here with you now, at this sacred time and always, to hold your hand, to help lead the way from the darkness into the light as you claim the truth of your divine heritage and the Love that you are.

Hey Ho See, we are One.

Hey Ho Sha, we are Love.





March 2nd, 2017

Blessings. We are honored to join you this day as you serve as the Voice of Oneness, serve as our voice as we, Teran and my band of angels, speak to those with open and loving hearts dedicated to serving as channels of Love.

Yes, each and every one of you hearing or reading these words is a channel of Love if you so choose. For each of you is created in Love, of the unconditional Love and Light of the Creator as a part of Her heart, Her energy of Creation, which is Love.

Do you wish to create a world in which Love is the foundation in this world where all are connected as a part of the heart of the Creator? This is what we are here today to say to you… You are all these things as a part of the Creator, Mother-Father God: Love, Light, Joy, Peace, and Compassion. You were created in and by these energies. All these energies lie within your own heart.

If you want to create a world in which love reigns, as the co-creator with All That Is that you are, you have the power to do that now, in this moment. Because now, in this moment, you are all these things that you desire. These energies and this power are not outside of self, to be sought after. They are, in this moment, now and forevermore as a child of God, within your own heart of hearts. How do you unlock these gifts, this power? By acknowledging and claiming these gifts as a co-creator and son or daughter of God/Goddess.

In many today upon Mother Earth, these gifts within your own hearts lie dormant, like a wellspring that is untapped. You yourselves, with the help of the Creator and all of us, His angels, are creating the New Earth and the Great Awakening, through your desire to live in the peace, the joy, and the love for which you yearn. You have simply forgotten that you have the power within to create the world which you long for.

The Goddess has given you the gift of free will choice to explore your own powers of co-creation, and as you have explored this gift, many of you have forgotten your origins as children of God with the power to create an existence without war, without violence, without hatred. So many have forgotten the truth that we are all Love, all connected as One with all of life – every stone, every tree, every bird, every animal, the Sun, the Moon, the Stars, Mother Earth, the Sky, Grandmother Ocean, the land, all the elements, and everything which is filled with the spirit of the Creator. And that is all things. For all is created from Love, which is Mother-Father God.

The easiest and most direct way to tap into the power of creation which all have as a God-given gift from the Creator, is to go within your heart of hearts each and every day to connect with these eternal gifts. Know that you literally are within the heart of the Creator. Acknowledge and claim that you are a co-creator with the power to create the world which you long for through your free will choice. Believe, have the faith, that through each choice made in love, for love, and out of love, you will reflect, thus creating, a world without that is a creation based on these choices of love. The love, the peace, the joy that you long for is not outside of self, in any other person, place, or thing. It is within your own heart.

Are you willing to go within your own heart to claim this truth and to claim this power of co-creation? Are you willing to go within your own heart to find the answers which lie within your own heart as a part of the Creator? Are you willing to live a life of joy based upon the truth that you will find within your own heart?

Are you willing to appreciate your life as the magnificent and precious gift that it is? Are you willing to see each experience as a gift of learning and wisdom? Are you willing to take responsibility for choosing a path that brings you joy as you journey on your path of life upon Mother Earth?

You are so loved by the Creator, by me, Teran, and all of the Creator’s angels, and by all of life which you are in relationship with. Feel our presence, feel our love. Know that we are here, by your side and within your heart to help guide you, to help show you the Light when you are struggling, trying to find your way in the darkness. Call upon us. We are here, and you will feel our presence and hear and know our guidance if you need our help and reach out to us.

There are legions and legions of angels poised and dedicated to serving Mother Earth, all of humanity, and all of life upon her at this time of the dawning of the Promise and the Great Awakening and the creation of the New Earth. Everything that you desire, a planet based on peace, love, compassion, truth, and joy is possible through your own choices based on the love that resides within your own heart. Follow your heart to be the love that you desire, to create the planet of peace which you desire to create.

You are loved, you are guided, you are blessed by the unconditional Love and Light of the Creator, which you yourselves are as His children. The time approaches quickly when you will be given a choice. Do you choose to awaken to the truth and beauty of your spirit as a part of the heart of the Creator? Open your heart to the love that you are.

Forgive yourself for everything you have imagined is unforgivable. Love yourself as the Creator loves you, without judgment, without criticism, without boundaries. Release all belief that you are not perfect just as you are. Release the illusion that you do not deserve love, joy, and the blessings that are always offered to you as a son or a daughter of God/Goddess.

Embrace yourself wholeheartedly. Shower yourself with love, kindness, and compassion. Accept yourself and all your past actions unconditionally, with the understanding that there are no mistakes, only the blessing of greater wisdom. In this way will you claim the truth of who you are and your power as a co-creator with All That Is.

Be grateful for all that you are and have, even the challenges and difficult times. They provide the polishing of your spirit, allowing your light to shine as the radiating facet of Love that you are as a part of the crystal of Love and Light which the Creator is.

I, Teran, and my band of angels are here to remind you of these truths. We are here to join our hearts and our voices together with yours, as the Voice of Oneness. Sing your song of Love. Sing your song of Joy, sing your song of Peace. The key to allowing your heart to sing is listening to your heart and answering what your heart tells you it needs for its own joy.

Thank you for allowing us to come forward and speak to you, together as one heart and one voice, the Voice of Oneness.

Hey Ho See, we are One.

Hey Ho Sha, we are Love.

May you dwell in the Peace within your own heart of hearts this day, always, and forevermore.


January 8th, 2017

Blessings, dear Sister of the Light. And we bring to all our love and blessings and the message for this New Year, 2017. And it will be quite a year – a year of extremes. Extreme darkness upon Mother Earth, and extreme Light and Love for those of you who are willing to open your hearts to the Flame of Love which burns brightly within your heart of hearts.

It will be a year, as always, of important choices. One may choose to get caught up in the drama of the planet, or may choose to seek refuge within, which holds the key to an experience upon Mother Earth of Joy, Truth, and Light.

For the light within your own heart can and will guide you through any and all difficulties that may lie ahead upon your planet. Your experiences in this New Year depend upon your free will and the choices that you make. You may choose to focus upon Love or upon the events which may reflect the illusion and the lack of Love upon which many in the Earth are focusing during this time of turmoil and uncertainty.

Let your heart open to the Love that you are as a part of the heart of the Creator and guide you upon the path of co-creating the reality which you desire. The key to the creation of the New Earth is choosing Love, Light, and the Truth within your own heart in each and every moment. What you focus upon and act upon creates your reality. And this year in particular is the opportunity for you to create the reality which you desire.

This year is the time of the Great Awakening, your own personal awakening, if you so choose. Look within your heart and see the truth of your Oneness with the Creator and all of life. Make your decisions based upon this Truth which resides within your heart as a son or a daughter of God, gifted with free will choice and co-creation.

There will come a time during this coming year when all will hear the call of the Creator and be given the opportunity to claim who you truly are, a spirit of Love, Light, Joy, and Peace, or to make the choice to follow the illusions which have become quite prevalent and have gained much support in the Earth.

The illusion is that you are separate from the Creator, that monetary wealth and power and violence will create happiness and fulfillment. Fear (and choosing fear and focusing on fear) has created these illusions. The truth lies within your heart.

The truth is that Love and the choice for Love in each moment is the reality of what God/Goddess is and what you may create as a reflection of the gifts and the Oneness within your own heart as a divine and eternal creation of the Creator. You may choose to accept these gifts from the Creator as your divine heritage, or you may choose to focus upon the illusion and become one with the lack of light and the reality created through fear.

I, Teran, and my band of angels are here for you at this magnificent time, this momentous crossroads dependent upon your free will choices. We will be with you every step of the way if you choose to open your hearts to the Love that you are as a part of the radiating crystal of Light which is the Creator, and which you are as a precious facet of this crystal. This is the truth of your creation as a child of God/Goddess. You may choose to claim who you truly are and your divine inheritance, or you may choose fear and take part in the reality which that choice creates upon Mother Earth. We will be with you, joining in the voice of All That Is, the Voice of Oneness, as it calls out to you during this magnificent and important time upon Mother Earth, the time of the Promise, the Great Awakening, and the creation of the New Earth.

So choose carefully, brothers and sisters of the Light. Make your focus and each choice and action based upon the Love within your heart of hearts and based upon your desire for a planet of Peace, Light, Joy, and Love, a creation which is a reflection of the Truth of your Oneness with the Creator.

As never before in the history of the Earth, God’s healing Grace is descending upon Mother Earth to create life as it is meant to be, one of Joy, Peace, Love, and Oneness with the Creator, with each other, and all of life.

All the teachers of Truth from all walks of life throughout all of existence, the Elders, and all of the angels of Mother-Father God are gathered, along with us, to light the way to guide you with our light, as this Grace and this opportunity become manifest upon the Earth plane. The Elders are those spirits who have lived many lifetimes in the Earth and are very familiar with the challenges, opportunities, and blessings of life upon the Earth. There is great celebration as these energies of Love and Light are ready to join in the call and to welcome you into your own hearts and the heart of the Creator.

You will not have to make the transition into these realms, go through the experience of “death,” leaving the physical body, to choose the truth and the beauty of your own spirit as a part of the Creator at this time of the Great Awakening. You may choose to remain in body upon the Earth, the New Earth, which you yourselves are creating based upon your desire to create a planet where Love, Joy, Compassion, and Peace reign rather than fear, illusion, and violence.

So we come to you this day to encourage you to celebrate who you truly are and this gift from the Creator and all those involved in these heavenly realms, those who join with the Creator to bring you what you are asking for. Go within your hearts and connect with who you truly are, eternal creations of the Creator with the gifts of free will choice and co-creation.

You are what you seek. Claim this truth and become the co-creators of the planet based upon the reality of All That Is – Love, Light, Peace, and Oneness. We celebrate this time, this opportunity together with you. We sing our Love, we sing our Joy. Join with the song within your own heart, the Song of Love, the Voice of Oneness.

Celebrate this New Year, the year of the creation of the New Earth.